
Reading: Is It Hard To Read?

Satisfactory Essays

When I was younger I use to read all the time, I genuinely enjoyed reading, but that was when I had time to read books. As I grew older I really don’t have as much time to do anything, to take my time and read at my pace to enjoy what the author is conveying. I use to read tons of books to the point where I got recognition on reading. I use to love going to the library to get books whether it was for school or for my personal pleasure. Times have changed. Forward to the future, I feel that reading is a valued asset to do to gain knowledge, but I do not read unless I am required to do so. I know that it is a bad quality to have when being a student, but I do not like to read. So I do not read for pleasure, anymore, but I do read for academic purposes, which is essential for a student. What I find most difficult in reading is being interested in the author’s subject or the message the author is trying to convey. Although, some authors do stretch out their point/content as a creative style and/or to create suspense for the reader the reading tends to lose its appeal. Whether it may be long syntax or just how long the book or text is can lose my interest. The style of the reading that I’m, mainly, required to read gets too boring for me. …show more content…

So when it comes to analyzing or reading I tend to lose interest in a text or a story because authors/writers take their time to develop their plot and allow the audience time to gather their thoughts on to where the author is going with his or her writing. Now as I have more assignments and develop more of a social life I can not read for pleasure because it is more time consuming and not a priority that I have to do unless it is an

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