
Addiction: A Process That Evolves Over Time

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Addiction is defined as “a persistent, compulsive dependence on a behavior or substance” (Donatelle & Kolen-Thompson, 2007, p. 263). How an addiction develops is very fascinating. Addiction is a process that evolves over time. It begins when a person repeatedly seeks relief from pain or unpleasant feelings and or situations. This pattern is known as nurturing through avoidance and is a maladaptive strategy of trying to take care of emotional needs. As a person becomes increasingly dependent on the addictive drug, there is a corresponding deterioration that responds and reacts to these situations which alters relationships with family, friends, and co-workers. The performance at work, school and qualities of an individual’s personal life diminishes. Often times, these individuals do not find the addictive behaviors or drug pleasurable, there motivation is to escape from there hopeless situations. In many cases addicts may wish to cease the abuse of a drug but the withdrawal symptoms, which can sometimes be very severe such as irritability, trembling or delirium, depending on how long an individual has used can be much more unbearable to an individual. Yes, it is possible to gauge your drug use (quantity and frequency) and behaviors to prevent becoming addicted. For example, taking an over-the-counter non addictive pain reliever for pain and only taking that medication when needed and recommended; coupled with non-pharmacological remedies such as drinking lots of water and

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