
Rationality Conspiracy Theory

Decent Essays

Given the discussion on rationality and conspiracy theories it is important to look at the benefits regarding the belief in theories. Due to the general nature of conspiracy theories, many would argue that it is irrational to believe due to the lack of significant evidence, or prevalence of counter arguments. However, this paper will explore the relevance of an individual’s emotional wellbeing, in terms of rationality and expected utility of believing in conspiracy theories. Due to the benefits that conspiracies provide emotionally, I argue that it is rational to believe in conspiracy theories for emotional purposes if it provides an individual more benefit in believing than not. To present my argument, I utilize the ideas of elation, personal …show more content…

I will be using the form of rationality which focuses on an individual’s expected utility. Expected utility focuses on the gains and losses of options to decide which would provide the most optimal outcome for a believer. One instance of an expected utility argument is found in Pascal’s Wager, in which the benefit arises from believing in God rather than not God, according to both truth-dependent and truth-independent arguments. The truth-dependent form of this argument focuses on the benefits obtained if the relevant beliefs are true (Jordan). In this context, if God is real then the individual will have an infinite amount of benefits; however, if God is not real then there is nothing the individual loses. Additionally, if one does not take this wager, then there is no possibility to obtain the benefits regardless of God’s existence. Another component of this argument is the truth-independent form which argues that regardless of the trueness of the belief, there are still benefits in the mere act of believing (Jordan). These benefits can be psychological, moral, and social. Looking at expected utility in both ways will allow this paper to focus on the contribution to an individual’s happiness regarding validation and community

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