
Rational Choice: Differences Between Street Crime And White-Collar Crime

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Research has indicated that the increased certainty of getting caught and harshness of punitive sanctions reduced the probability of involvement in continued criminality. However, the certainty of getting caught is subjective, since a rational person would assume that none would commit a crime if there were certainty of getting caught. Even if someone has never experienced the impulse to commit a crime, people make poor decisions regardless of the negative consequences. It is impossible for all choices to be based on economic gain, in fact, many people make choices knowing they will be at an economic loss. Rational Choice provides no context other than hedonistic gain for choices that satisfy an impulse, mood, craving, illness, preference …show more content…

Do differences exist between street crime and white-collar crime? Research has indicated that since public opinion is expressed toward the punishment of street crime, white-collar crime goes unresolved and impacts society far greater than street crime (Schaefer,2007, 03). When examining crime, the consideration must be given that all crime is not self-serving or …show more content…

Especially when considering violent and aggressive behaviors, (Shon, & Barton-Bellessa, 2015, 11). Ration Choice has little bearing in the explanation of impulse to commit a violent or aggressive act. If self-control is effective as a cognitive discipline, then a remedy should be mandated with offenders’ first brush with the law. Despite evidence that supports that individuals are not equally yoked; Rational Choice and punishment have served to fill our prisons beyond any other level of incarceration worldwide. Nonetheless, white-collar crime is predicated on the economics of gain and the majority of the benefits are increased finances. When considering the ability to calculate risk, exposure, and benefit of the success of crime, it is apparent that Rational Choice is embodied with white-collar criminality. The side effects of Rational Choice such as punishment as a deterrent does not serve those incapable of fully functioning rationality or improve the

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