
Rasputin's Influence On Russia

Decent Essays

Maurice Paleologue claimed that Rasputin‘s powerful influence in Russian Politics came from the rumor that he had the Tsarina in a hypnotic trance. She would obey every command, while the Tsar is more restrained and is sure to retain the liberty of his judgment. Pares said similarly that Rasputin’s power came from the Tsarina’s inclination to listen to him for advice. She would commonly consult him when making decisions, such as picking Goremykin’s successor. Pares even claimed to have been told that everything laid in the hands of Rasputin. The evidence that Rasputin has powerful friends is offered throughout all three sources. In all three sources, Rasputin’s friendship with the Tsarina is shown. Source A claims the relationship is from …show more content…

The posters undermine the authority of the Tsar and his power. The posters infer that Rasputin, a commoner, has just as much control as a Tsar and may even guide them as seen in source 8. The shared power reference is in picture 9 and it shows Rasputin as the main face of the regime. This would certainly have hurt and weakened the Imperial monarchy’s reputation because it makes the Tsar seems weak and less God like. If a common man like Rasputin has just as much say as the Tsarina and Tsar than the Tsar must not be as divine or powerful as he …show more content…

In picture 8 Rasputin seems to guide the Tsar and Tsarina like a puppet master. Source A speaks about the apparent control Rasputin has over the couple. Paleologue said the Tsarina would do whatever Rasputin asked of her and the picture definitely supposed that notion. Also, Pares said that he found out “everything was on the hands of Rasputin” which is similar to picture 8 because the Tsarina is literally in Rasputin’s hand and picture 9 has him in a shared crown with the Tsar and Tsarina. B.) As previously mentioned in picture 8 Rasputin seems to guide the Tsar and Tsarina like a puppet master. Source A speaks about the apparent control Rasputin has over the couple. While in picture 8 Rasputin has his hand around the Tsarina, he doesn’t have it around the Tsar. This reflects source A because while Rasputin’s influence over the Tsarina is strong, he doesn’t have as much influence over the Tsar. Paleologue said the Tsar reserved his judgment around Rasputin, never letting him get the upper hand, but would still listen to his ideas. This statement contradicts picture 9 because it shows Rasputin has the same amount of control as the Tsar. Both pictures exasperate the supposed control mention in source A. In part A the amount of control Rasputin was said to have in source B would match these pictures better and reflect the supposed control Rasputin had over

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