
Raphael Research Paper

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The Pre-Raphaelites were a seven rebellious artists in London who wanted to create new art. The pre-Raphaelites Brotherhood were; William Holman Hunt, John Everett Millais, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, William Michael Rossetti, James Collinson, Frederic George Stephens and Thomas Woolner.They detested another artist’s work that, at the time went by the name Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino), hence the name Pre-Raphaelites. However, society in the Victorian period adored Raphael and his work and many other artists copied his style of art. This meant that people despised the Pre-Raphaelites work and they found it to be outrageous. In the Victorian era, artwork was based on religion and realism. People were painted like they wanted to look like …show more content…

At first, they were not accepted into their world of art and their work was found disgraceful and shocking. As they saw themselves as Avant-garde leaders and aimed to start a revolution and rebel against the Royal Academy regulations and standards, by doing things like humanizing the holy family, displaying affection bluntly between couples and painting exactly what they saw without any modification in their paintings. All of these things were found open majorly in the Victorian era. However, as time went on people began to accept Impressionism and the Pre-Raphaelites. Both groups had a interesting but different ways of responding to the 19th Century life style and introducing their art. The biggest difference being the context of their painting because even though both groups wanted to make a difference in art they executed their plans differently. However, there were many similarities between them as well one of them being their response to religion which that they didn’t present it to be as magnificent as other artists in the 19th Century. However, they were in the time of the Renaissance (the re-birth) and many people started to think in a new way and the Pre-Raphaelites and the Impressionist were groups who done just

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