
Rape Crisis Centers For Women

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Rape Crisis Centers

SER 101: Kevin Garganta

Pierre Sophy

Fall 2016

This research is focused on rape crisis centers for women who have been sexually abused or raped. Some survivors of rape and sexual abuse require the assistance of rape crisis centers to try and gain back control of their lives. Some women may require long-term counseling as a result whereas others do no. Whichever the case, with such a high number of survivors, the help must remain readily available.

Rape and sexual abuse is a horrible act of violence, yet, it remains a taboo and the voices of those survivors aren’t heard by everyone. Statistics from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention show that one in five women will be raped at some point in their lives (Center for Disease Control, 2012). With such a large number, the women who did not speak out remain unaccounted for. This research will focus on rape crisis centers which provide immediate and long-term support for women who have been victims of rape and sexual assault. It will briefly explore the history of sexual assault and rape how rape crisis centers evolved from a grassroots organization to where it is today.
Rape and sexual abuse remains a plague to society but the issue was once never addressed. When slavery was still legal in the United States, so was the rape of African American women: “It was common and legal for African American women who had been enslaved to be raped by White men” (n.d., History

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