
Random Drug Testing Case Study

Satisfactory Essays

Facts--1. A stop sign should be placed at the busy intersection f Hoover and Palm street. Since the area has expanded there has been an 14% increase of traffic accidents in the past 6 months. Authority-3. These new Sluggo bats will definitely raise your batting average. David Ortiz, professional baseball player, says the Sluggo bats helped him become a great designated hitter for the Boston Red Sox. Examples- 5. Pets should be allowed in children's hospital rooms because they speed healing. Lucy was sick and had to be in the hospital for a couple of week and wasn’t able to see her dog, her parents let the dog come up for a visit and she was so excited to see him she him, she was able to get out of her hospital bed to play and walk with him down the hall. Lucy was the liveliest when her dog came to visit. …show more content…

Companies should (should not) be allowed to conduct random drug testing on employees. Random drug testing makes employees more reluctant to experiment with drugs. Answering the Opposition- 9. This college should (should not) drop its required-attendance policy. Students would not be as responsible if they are not held accountable to make it to

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