
Raising High School Graduation Rate

Decent Essays

How successful of a life can one have if they did not even get a high school diploma? Not getting a high school can negatively impact students’ lives. If one does not graduate high school they have a very low chance of ever getting a proper job that pays well. Furthermore, in America, 75% of major crimes are committed by high school dropouts. Although some students may feel the need to drop out, in order to support their families, students should be required to stay in school, until they are 18 or graduate. This is because high school dropouts have a lower income and a lower status in society, also staying in school until the student is 18, raises the chances that students’ chance of graduating, on top of this, younger students may not …show more content…

Graduating can be crucial to one’s future. Without a high school diploma, there is a high chance of failure in a person’s life. Extending the dropout age to 18 will most definitely raise the graduation rate. Derek Messacar and Philip Oreopoulos, say “Using these estimates, increasing the school-leaving age to 18 for every state would lead to approximately 55,000 more students completing high school…” [Staying in School: A Proposal for Raising High-School Graduation Rates,]55,000 more students will have a chance at a better life, and there is a 75% less chance that these 55,000 graduates will commit crimes. A diploma can be the difference between a satisfactory and unsatisfactory life. It increases the welfare and accomplishments in one’s life. Earning a diploma, sometimes even increases social involvement. Messacar and Oreopoulos also say, “In addition, studies using various states’ recent change to the minimum school-leaving age have found that each year of additional schooling that students receive lowers the probability by 3.6 percentage points that they will end up unemployed, lowers the likelihood by 5.5 percentage points …show more content…

High school dropouts usually make just above the poverty life, not enough to live a prosperous life on. In Source 3, [pg.14] the survey of the average income by education, high school dropouts only made, $19,450, while high school graduates made $27,380, almost $8,000 more than the dropouts. High school dropouts, do not make enough to live off of, and most definitely not enough to support a family if it is needed. Their whole adult life will be a struggle to keep shelter and scrape-up enough money for food. Another important reason as to why students should stay in school is that they will have a lower status in the eyes of others. Imagine a person having to go to a job interview, and having to admit, to being a high school dropout. Immediately deemed unworthy, by the interviewer, and viewed as a delinquent in society. On page 14, Missy Remiss, “Those without a high school diploma have lower earnings, higher unemployment, lower job satisfaction - they even have a higher likelihood of ending up in jail or on public assistance.” It can be tied, that as students drop out, they are deprived of a character, they build in school. School prepares for failures and difficult experiences. When one drops out they do not develop these skill and it harms them throughout their life. This can lead to dropouts giving up easier. Also, if these people get accustomed to making bad decisions early on,

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