
Rae Swent's The Red River Campaign

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The historical play, “The Red River Campaign” written by Rae Swent was about ten thousand Union soldiers invading a vulnerable Alexandria, Louisiana. The play's narrative was from the point of view of Union generals, Confederate generals, and a teenage boy, who questions his father about the Civil War. Duncan Graham, played by Ray Pence, begins asking his father, George Mason Graham, about the Union occupation in Alexandria during the Civil War. While, there is the presences of an adolescent son, the only other characters are older and middle-aged men. The play is the history of the Red River campaign and written from those who planned its' strategy, but the lack of diversity in gender, age, and characters that were not soliders made the production stale. Also, Duncan and George Graham speaking to one another directly, and all the other characters directly address the audience makes the narrative inconsistent and at times hard to understand. While the audience might understand that Nathaniel Banks led the Union's army and David Dixon Porter led the Union's naval fleet but the awkward narrative made it hard to understand details like battle plans and battle locations. …show more content…

The play's purpose was to educate the audience of Louisiana's historical battle site Tyrone Plantation, and raise funds for its upkeep. The evening was through reservations only, and was twenty five dollars for admission. Not terrible pricing for a charity dinner theater, but the play's production had low quality acting and awkward staging, despite the theme being an interesting idea. Staging was limited and held on the third floor of the Plantation, however illuminating the actors under the Antebellum chandelier against the polished silver really set the

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