
Radio's Influence On American Culture

Decent Essays

Many of the technological inventions have changed and advanced American’s culture. However the radio is one of the most remarkable inventions in the history. The radio used to be necessity in people's lives from 19th century to the early 20th century, before TV was invented. While new media options –TV, laptop, and mobile phone are invented and available now, the radio is seen as old-fashioned media device in today’s society.
` In the lecture, I learned that the radio—wireless telegraph, has such a long story in its development. Not only to entertain people, but the radio was initially used as a tool of land and ship communication by the radio wave. When I compared the radio with modern TV, there are both similarities and differences in their roles. Both of them provide the latest news, weather reports, dramas and other special programs to people. They also share the similar purpose—entertain people. I have listened to the radio broadcasting before but I never used the radio to relax or enjoy my time; therefore it was a valuable experience to listen to the radio shows. …show more content…

The first impression was restless –sitting and listening to the radio for 30 minutes without touching any other electric devices was uncomfortable for me. I also didn’t know where to look at. Moreover, I realized that radio show couldn’t function without the narrator because the conversation doesn’t provide listeners enough information about what is going on. The good thing about not looking at screen or picture is that I can imagine characters and atmospheres in my head. There is totally no preconception of how the play is set. However, I was sometimes a little bit confused understanding their plots, there were noise that distracted my attention. At the same time, it creates more realistic images of radio

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