
Radicalism And Radical Environmentalism

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Environmental writers have always written radically about the environment because that is what is necessary. The difference between the radical ecologists of today is radical theory becoming radical action. Henry David Thoreau wrote plenty of radical ideas, though his most often radical thought comes from “On the Duty of Civil Disobedience”. Civil Disobedience provides modern day activists and ecologists with the foundation of why it is important think critically about government actions, as well as showing readers direct action against the government. Thoreau contributes partially to the eventual formation of the radical ecology movement in this sense. The other half of the ideology of radical environmentalists was popularized by Aldo Leopold in Sand County Almanac. Leopold’s idea of a land ethic and biocentrism is the main ideology that drives radical environmentalists. Only when Leopold and Thoreau are put together does a full picture begin to form of what it takes to understand radical ecologists. Thoreau and Leopold lay the groundwork for creating the perfect radical environmental movement; where Thoreau gives instruction on action against the government and the majority, Leopold gives the radical movement the idea to act on, biocentrism. To understand the conversation of radicalism as informed by Thoreau and Leopold, there are some ideas that need to be defined. What does it mean for an environmentalist to be radical? Is radicalism the same as terrorism? Radicalism is an umbrella term, often used in a myriad of ways. Analyzing the environmental movement, radical ideology is the concept that the world is unsustainable, and the ideas put forth to make the world sustainable require a massive shift in collective societal thought as well as a massive shift in the way most communities, cities, states, etc. live (Sessions, 1995). The shift in collective thought would be away from anthropomorphism, the idea that humans are the most important thing in the world, towards biocentrism, the idea that all things in nature matter equally. An idea, or action, can be radical without being violent towards living things. This is the important distinction between radicalism and terrorism. For an action to be terrorism, it

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