
Racism Is Still A Prominent Part Of Our Society

Decent Essays

Jonathan Nuth

I. Introduction
a. Introductory idea: In America, we have come a long way in the manner of Civil rights and equality, but racism is still a prominent part of our society.
b. In Clint Smith’s “How to raise a black son in America” and Vernā Myers “How to overcome our biases? Walk boldly toward them” they discuss very bravely and boldly the problems African Americans face in our society.
c. Thesis statement: African American people have been oppressed and treated poorly as individuals due to the color of their skin, but through understanding and education we can eliminate racism.

II. Body Paragraph One: We have imbedded racism into the younger generation from a very early stage.
a. Topic sentence of body paragraph one: This has led to us being prejudice without noticing.
b. In “How to overcome our biases? Walk boldly toward them” Myers talks about how we have made assumptions about the people we see, before we meet.
i. This is due to a deeply inset value we have inside us ii. “You know, biases are the stories we make up about people before we know who they actually are. But how are we going to know who they are when we 've been told to avoid and be afraid of them? So I 'm going to tell you to walk toward your discomfort.” (Myers) iii. Myers discusses that while our values from our past tell us to prejudice people based on their color, we should go past that and be better.
c. Smith discusses an anecdote from his childhood, where he is playing with his

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