
Racism In Their Eyes Were Watching God

Decent Essays

Zora Neale Hurston’s “Their Eyes Were Watching God”: Reaching the Horizon and Back
Society has always thought of racism as a war given to the lowly African American from the supposedly high class white man, but no one thought there would be prejudice within a hierarchical class system inside the black community. However within that class system, history has shown that darker colored women are at the deep trenches of the totem pole. In the novel, “Their Eyes Were Watching God,” African American women are put under harm and control exposing the racism and sexism with their community. Through the life of Janie Crawford, Zora Neale Hurston portrays the concept of a woman finding her independence in a black, hierarchical, and racist society.
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Some time passed, she turned up in Baltimore where she lied about her age to finish high school. After which she enrolled in Howard University in 1920 where earned an associate’s degree. She then transferred to Barnard College and after graduating in 1928, she started coursework for a PHD in Anthropology at Columbia University. Some years later, she moved to Harlem deep in the middle of the Harlem Renaissance, where she became a fixture in its thriving art scene along with friends, Langston Hughes and Countee Cullen who she was known to be acquainted with. She wrote several short stories and plays, such as “Mules and Men”, “The Great Day”, “From Sun to Sun” and “Mule Bone”. She also a few novels, two highly regarded works of anthropology and an autobiography titled, “Dust Tracks on a Road”, which has had some controversy on whether some parts of her life’s story in truly accurate. One example would be that she claimed to have written “Their Eyes Were Watching God”, in seven weeks “under internal pressure” while on a Guggenheim fellowship to Haiti to study the folklore. Hurston struggled through the last years of her life, as she continued to write but …show more content…

And that love is almost perfect until Tea Cake gets sick from rabies and she is forced to shoot him so he won’t suffer any further. The story starts out with 40-year-old, Janie Mae Crawford as she returns home to Eatonville, to tell her story to her best friend, Phoebe Watson. Janie grows up the pet of a white family in which her grandmother, Nanny, worked for. After Janie has an incident with a boy, her grandmother decides to marry her off to the most wealthy man in town who is years older than her. Nanny was very concerned for Janie as she thought she would end up like nanny and her daughter, Janie’s mother. In all truth, she only wanted the best for her. Janie gets married but is bothered by her first husband and she finds that no matter how much money he has, her feelings will never change. So when she meets another man, Joe Starks, who is charming and again much older than her, she runs away with him. They run away to eatonville where Joe becomes mayor and Janie enjoys the high status of being the Mayor’s wife, or so she thought. As time would tell, Joe starks to belittle and embarrass her in front of others, beats her once or twice and never allows her to speak her mind. But after joe dies and Jnanie has a brief period of being single and by herself, she meet another man, Tea Cake.

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