
Racism In The Southern Colonies Essay

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Racism between blacks and whites became more pronounced in the southern colonies. The colonists in the 17th century supposedly took religion a lot more seriously than the people of America today do. William Berkeley, the governor of Virginia, declared his colony to officially be Anglican in 1642. William Berkeley even went on to require colonists with different religious beliefs to leave the colony. To add, crops played a major role in the colonies. The southern colonies had the advantage of climate. This climate allowed the southern colonists to grow different things. Some of crops this climate allowed them to grow were tobacco and rice. Because of this, the production of tobacco in Virginia increased massively during the seventeenth …show more content…

These people became known as voluntary indentured servants. However, not all servants were voluntary. Once they arrived in America, they became their master’s property and had to do what the master said. If they did not do what they were told, they were punished. If they tried to run away, they were punished. They were not allowed to do anything outside of their instructions without their master’s permission. These servants were kept in poor conditions. In my opinion, they were not feed, clothed, or sheltered properly. Because of this lack of care, many servants or slaves died. Some indentured servants or slaves did work off their debts and became free. In fact, seven former indentured servants served on the Virginia legislature in 1629. As slaves became more and more popular across America, more and more slaves were forced to work for the rest of their lives. Slaves were even sold between masters because of the money they could bring in. By the 1660s, lifelong slavery was legalized. By this time, slaves were used mostly in the fields to grow crops like tobacco in Virginia and rice in South Carolina. The slave population in each colony continually grew. However, there were more slaves in the

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