
Racism During The 19th Century

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During the 19th century, racism was an established and widely accepted ideology throughout the Antebellum South. Both Frederick Law Olmsted and John C. Calhoun portray typical racist ideology during the 19th century in Antebellum South. In his travelogue of the South, “A Journey in the Seaboard Slave States; With Remarks on Their Economy”, Olmsted advocated for the free soil movement. On the other hand, Calhoun advocated for slavery in his 1837 speech, “The ‘Positive Good’ of Slavery” before the United States Senate. The free soil movement was an anti-slavery movement that in fact did not advocate for equal rights among blacks and whites, but advocated that free men on free soil was a superior system to traditional slavery. Surprisingly, anti-slavery was much different to abolitionism. The goal of abolitionism was the immediate emancipation of all slaves and the establishment of equal rights among blacks and whites. The goal of anti-slavery was the eventual emancipation of all slaves with the understanding that blacks were inferior to whites. Although both advocated for two distinct social standards for the African American people, both had incorporated within their ideology the racist concept that African Americans and their ancestors were inferior to white Americans.
Calhoun, during his speech before the Senate, argued the “Positive Good” of slavery. Calhoun attempted to sway his audience into believing that slavery was not the evil or immoral act as portrayed his

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