
Racial Tendencies : Black Superheroes Vs White Superheroes Essay

Better Essays


Xavier Green
Comparative World History: Gender
December 11, 2016

History has showed society that even though having a white super hero is very much the norm for everybody growing up, but black super heroes aren 't given exposure to society. They are viewed as criminals for doing absolutely nothing to the unjust system. Now more recently African Americans having been targeted more than ever, and for a very long time African Americans have been racial profiled as thugs.
The average person can assume that in most cases a superhero will be cast as a white male. In Can You Save Me?: Black Male Superheroes in Film, Tia C. M. Tyree and Liezille J. Jacobs (2014) that “When the average American moviegoer thinks of great cinematic super- heroes, many will probably envision Superman, Captain America, Batman, Spider-Man, or Iron Man.” (1), the misconceptions of the black male in particular by society have been that they are to be feared, beat down, or labeled as thugs.
Despite what many might think, superheroes are well known across hundreds of nations all over the world. Superheroes has been around for several centuries and has a very important meaning in the lives of many sort of like to uplift. It would be safe to assume that superheroes are going to be around for a long time and have an enormous impact on the lives of many people. Although being branded to only one race that widely be accepted to people.

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