
Essay On Residential Segregation

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Introduction The United States has come a long way since the 1960s civil rights movement, yet many large, metropolitan areas within its borders still experience vast amounts of racism and segregation- especially in the area of residential living. The topic of this research draws attention to the issue of racial residential segregation, particularly in the city of St. Louis. Even though there are official laws against discrimination in jobs, housing, school, etc., much of this prejudice is still very prevalent within social norms. The goal of this research is to analyze the posed question: Why and how does a person of African American descent experience racial residential segregation in their quest of finding housing? In this study, the experience and treatment will be measured as being dependent on race within the residential sector. Research on this topic and the underlying causes of racial residential segregation are important, particularly for societies in which this phenomenon also leads to negative social or economic consequences. Many past studies have found that blacks who live in segregated metropolitan areas, such as St. Louis, tend to have lower education achievement and lower wages compared to blacks living in more integrated areas. There are more factors affecting this issue other than the idea that white residents are more likely to want to move away from poor African American neighborhoods. These include physical isolation of employment opportunities from

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