
Racial Racism And Racial Discrimination

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This paper will discuss the racial microaggression how it has influenced the United States in the past decade. Then, describe the racial microaggression influence that affects the individual view. Next describe the community-level influence, impact of racial microaggression, and racial stereotypes are a major problem in our society. Then, discuss the research on racial microaggression is it a social condition that can arise as a result of the conformity of individuals within a society. Also, explain conformity, social, condition, and socially as well as, the attitudes and beliefs, norms, and implicit behaviors. However, discuss the culture in society along with the …show more content…

However, the different and more subtle form of racial discrimination is known as racial microaggression that continue to exist and is experienced by the various racial microaggression has gained the attention over the past few years. Still, the consequences, the published literature on facial microaggression in psychology have shown an increase in just half a decade.
Furthermore, the conceptual and methodological issues that remain to be addressed in the following: what concept of racial microaggression, why do racial microaggressions matter, and how can racial microaggression be better studied. With what concept of racial microaggression is micro-assaults which are more akin to conventional racism, they are conscious. While, they are explicit racial or derogatory actions that are intended to hurt. Whereas, the micro-insult is an unconscious communication that demeans a person from a minority group. Next, microinvalidation is where a white individual asserting to minorities that they do not see color or that we are all human beings. Although, racial microaggression may matter because they provide a framework for people of color to name the pain caused by the everyday racism so that it cannot be dismissed.
Which, racial microaggression has matter because

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