
Racial Profiling Racism

Decent Essays

Racial Profiling occurs in every region of the world. Everybody will judge you based on your race and ethnicity. Racial profiling happens in our daily life, just like in the film “Us Against the World”. The film showed how the people from Knott County did not accept the players from Cordia since they came from another place and people were against them because of their race. Racial profiling is a huge problem in our society and we should treat everybody equally. Racial profiling affects our everyday life by showing how different people are being judged base on their background, skin tone, race and ethnicity. In the film, “Us against the World” showed how the players from Cordia was being racial profiled. It was a challenge for Cordia’s players since they have to go through unexpected changes in their families while have to deal with racism. They were coming into Kentucky which is a racially charge state. For example, people were treating them differently, “ They have been told the N word. They have been told they need to go back to Africa” (episode 1). This shows that just because they are black they are treating them differently. The people from Lotts Creek was mad because the superintendent from Knott County, Kim King stated,” Coach Rhodes’s contract will not be renewed for next season because she said that he have a poor relationship with Principal Mullins and neglect of duty”( Kim King,Episode 2). This shows that they didn’t want the players and the coach to be there. Everybody was against them and it was a challenge for them, “ Everybody have enemies but I just think about me”( Oumar Keita). This mean that even though the players from Cordia was being racial profiled, it would not stop them from reaching their goals. Racial profiling was a difficult situation to control and there was a huge tension between Knott County High School and Cordia high school. They did not let people supports Coach Rhodes,”If they were to stand behind Rodrick Rhodes, they can lose their jobs in a matter of days, I have been told to be quite”(Carl Smith Cordia school parent, episode 5). This was a problem since they did not want to lose their jobs because they still need to feed their families. Coach Rhodes was like a father

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