
Racial Attitudes During The 1800's

Decent Essays

During the 1800’s and the early 1900’s, European Countries sought to expand their colonies through Africa, Australia and South America. But one of the main reasons for developments of racial attitudes towards other races was the false analysis of the Biologist’s Charles Darwin’s Theory of ‘Natural Selection’ and ‘Survival of the Fittest’ being intended for the plant and animal species, many European and American leaders compared it with humans and ‘other races’ as a justification for the colonisation of the countries, however this could have been the result of racial attitude already acquired through the many years of slavery.
Darwin’s most popular theory was his theory of Natural Selection whereby only the strongest of the plant and animal species survive where the weakest species die out due to natural call. Although, when Herbert Spencer adapted the theory to human race, this became known as Social Darwinism and became very popular among the European and American empires, and the leaders would use the theory as a justification in order to gain their country’s social; political and economic support in order to colonize other …show more content…

Also Social Darwinism became so popular in the imperialistic nation that three new studies were developed, Sociology; Anthropology and Ethnology. Sociology is the study of human social behaviour, Anthropology is the study humans and their customs, Ethnology is the study and analysis of people’s different ethnic groups. Due to this, the request for human test subjects for study was large. Many natives would be brought from their homelands and shown in zoo’s and studied like animals. All of this happened due to the false method of relating Humans to Darwin’s theory of natural selection. However his theory did lead to people like Spencer adapting it for racist

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