
Race in Different Countries

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Race can be categorized quite differently and can vary from country to country. When defining race, it can be complex in that every country, even an individual within a country, has different criteria and viewpoints when identifying a person’s race. For some countries and for some people, race is the color of your skin, or the background that you come from, or even biological and physical traits. Therefore, it’s crucial to thoroughly explain the topic of race and how it plays into context in today’s society.
For example, what is considered “race” in Brazil is different than what it is in other countries. In Brazil, race is categorized by biological anthropology, or by the way someone looks physically. Brazilians look at skin tone and a series of tipos, when considering race. Jefferson Fish describes how Brazil thinks of race in his excerpt, Mixed Blood. Fish interviewed his daughter and her daughter’s boyfriend from Brazil. According to his daughter, she is black because her mother is black. However, according to her Brazilian boyfriend, he is not black even though he is darker than her.
Some of Brazil’s racial tipos, or categories, are as follows: Laura are people who are very white in skin color, with straight blond hair, green or blue eyes, thin lips and a narrow nose. Branca people have light skin color, hair of any color or texture (except tight curls), any color of eyes, not too much of a broad nose and lips that aren’t too thick. Morena people have wavy or curly

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