
Race Vs Law Research Paper

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Emina Deljanin ANTHC100.1 Race vs. Law Prior to the establishment and creation of America officially, the neglect and disenfranchisement of “non-whites” began prevailing. The effort to create a praise in white, landowning men became the epitome of an “acceptable American.” It automatically erected a division between those men and everyone else who did not identify themselves as such. After the establishment of the “acceptable” and “right” type of American, the neglect of Blacks, Native Americans, and European immigrants emerged. Although white European immigrants, were not identified and considered as “White American,” they were the closest group to them. Native Americans came after, and at the bottom were considered Blacks. After …show more content…

Native Americans were targeted in many situations and through several events as being less-than, the American white community. The law for instance, reflected the disenfranchisement as Apess argued against the lack of choice for the Native American community. For instance, the bar of legal interracial marriage imposed in Massachusetts, targeted Native Americans (159.) The ban created an attitude of superiority and inferiority. It furthered the idea that Native Americans were not equivalent to the “White America” façade. Apess criticized the law in that it did not fulfil the true meaning of being a human. It not only limited the rights for both races, he also criticized the lack of religious relevance this law evoked (160.) Apess recognized the effort of the lawmakers to limit the “humanness” and degrade the Native Americans. Apess discussed the separation of physical appearance and the actual meaning of the law. He argued against the lack of protection and preservation of rights and privileges because Americans had limited it, based on “skin” (156.) From a physical appearance standpoint, Native Americans were categorized as different in comparison from the self-defined American white man appearance. This differentiation ignited the

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