
Race And Drugs

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The battle with keeping drugs away from the masses is becoming a difficult matter as time progresses there becomes newer drugs available. Public perceptions of drugs and alcohol are socially constructed and subject to change based on many factors, perhaps primarily based on the intensity of media campaigns detailing community devastation at the hands of drugs addicts and drug dealers and political pressure to once and for all win the war against drugs. Although the boundary between legal and illegal substances is arbitrary, the United States has spent decades waging this war. The war on drugs involves a lot of topics such as race, prison and laws the cost of the War on Drugs has been violence, crime, corruption, devastation of social bonds and the destruction of inner-city communities, and the exponential growth of the number of minorities and women incarcerated. Only after nearly 40 years of conducting this war did the United States government, under President Barack Obama, shift its efforts away from heavy-handed enforcement of drug laws and toward recognition of the public health aspects of the problem, placing greater emphasis on drug-use prevention and treatment.

The relationship of race within the War on Drugs has always be present. class and racial discrimination with regard to drug laws involves New York’s Rockefeller Drug Laws, among the …show more content…

Women’s involvement in the drug trade can frequently be attributed to economics as opposed to personal addiction. The feminization of poverty has resulted in women seeking alternative sources of income as decoys or drug couriers (mules) who import or transport drugs. The risks of this employment “choice” are high, often resulting in mandatory minimum sentences for women for whom this is their first

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