
Quiet Kill: A Short Story

Decent Essays

Quiet Kill Sherlock handed one of the guys his card. “If you see him again or someone of a suspicious nature again around her, you can reach me at that number.” “We will.” “I thank you all for taking the time to chat with me and give me some information. It’s a bit too early to tell how important it is. But we will follow up on it. Thanks a lot guys.” He then pulled over to the phone, out and noticed straight away the words, “You still have something that belongs to me. Bring it, or one of you leaves in a body bag. If you don’t, you’re sure to see how easy it is for me to get your blood, and if you cut me off, gig mistake. You’re not the only one who can slice and dice.” Sherlock found it hard to believe someone scrolled the words in red

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