
Quest In The Movie Shrek

Decent Essays

1. The five characteristics of the quest are a quester, a destination, a reason that has been stated to go there, the challenges along the way, and the real reason for the destination. 2. An example of a quest is in the movie, Shrek. 1. Quester: a male ogre who lives alone in a swamp, but is disturbed by the fairy tale characters who were sent away by Lord Farquaad. He is a hostile introvert. 2. A place to go: In order to find peace at home, he agrees to rescue Princess Fiona for Lord Farquaad to marry so that the Lord can take the fairy tale characters back. He then goes to the castle to save Princess Fiona. 3. Stated reason to go there: Rescuing and return Princess Fiona for Lord Farquaad will lead to ridding Shrek’s …show more content…

An example of a negative communion was in Shakespeare’s play, Macbeth. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth invited guests over for dinner to celebrate him being crowned as king. Macbeth hired three guys to murder Banquo and and Fleance. During dinner he begins to get paranoid and hallucinates Banquo’s ghost. He freaks out and starts screaming, causing the dinner party to go downhill. This scene represents fear. 8. The essentials of a vampire story are an older figure seeking a young female, taking away her innocence, sexuality, and the death of the victim. 9. Vampires and ghosts can represent a parasite that leeches on to its victim and sucks the life out of them and using them to get what they want until the victim cannot give anymore and is rendered useless. They grow stronger while their victim grows weaker. 10. When Foster says “if it’s squared, it’s a sonnet,” it means that sonnets are in the shape of a square because the length is 14 lines long and each line has 10 syllables, which is about the same length. 11. A poet can work its magic on the reader by “choice of images, music of the language, idea content, and cleverness of wordplay” (Foster 17). 12. A Petrarchan Sonnet has two parts, one stanza that contains 8 lines and another containing 6. It “uses a rhyme scheme that ties the first eight lines (the octave) together, followed by a rhyme scheme that unifies the last six (the sestet)” (Foster …show more content…

Questions reader should ask when trying to determine symbolic meaning: “what’s the writer doing with this image, this object, this act; what possibilities are suggested by the movement of the narrative or the lyric; and most important, what does it feel like it’s doing?” (Foster 59). 45. “Nearly all writing is political.” 46. Foster says most literature can be called political because most of these works has a time period setting and writers write about issues about social classes or rights or races of that time period. Political means 47. “ get the most out of your reading of European and American literatures, knowing something about the Old and New Testaments is essential. Similarly, if you undertake to read literature from an Islamic or a Buddhist or a Hindu culture, you’re going to need knowledge of other religious traditions.” This is because religion shapes different culture and to better understand allusions in literature, one must understand biblical references. Or being aware of religious traditions and culture of a country outside yours can help you better understand the

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