
Queen Gertrude Is Responsible For Ophelia's Death

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In Hamlet, William Shakespeare leaves many mysteries for the audience to decipher on their own. One such, is the mystery surrounding Ophelia’s death. Harmonie Loberg, in the article, “Queen Gertrude: Monarch, Mother, Murderer,” argues that, “Queen Gertrude is responsible for Ophelia’s death” (60). The Queen’s description of Ophelia’s death is controversial because it is so full of detail, that many believe it must be an eye witness account. Did the Queen kill Ophelia to try and protect Hamlet? The last scene seems to answer this question, as the Queen shares in the same fate that befalls all of the other murderers in the play. Ophelia’s death is suspicious and should not be thought of as a suicide, but instead a calculated murder by an overly …show more content…

When people get an idea in their heads that their leaders are corrupt it can lead to governments being overthrown. These songs, and the idea that they put into the heads of the people, are enough to give the Queen a motive to get rid of Ophelia, and her rambling on about the death of her father and the return of her brother only add to the fire (4.5 29-33, 71). What may keep her from killing Ophelia at this point is the knowledge that the King has sent Hamlet to England, where she believes he is safe. The Queen knows Laertes is on his way home and if Hamlet were to return now, there would be trouble. When Laertes returns he incites a riot, seeking revenge for his father’s murder, he goes after the King. When he finally gains admission to the King he is very angry and the Queen has to hold him back (4.5. ). Loberg says this is when the Queen switches from a woman who handles her problems through words, to a woman who starts to become physical to protect what she views as hers (66). The King and Queen manage to convince Laertes that the King is not responsible for Polonius’s death, but they do not tell Laertes who is responsible, or at least that is what the Queen

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