
Quebec Revolution Case Study

Decent Essays

The people are easily influence when it comes to revolution because many desire change to make the world better but Quebec is a case where the referendum wasn’t a smart choice because it cause division between all sorts of people. In society, there is a way to influence the people and it is by insulting the enemy in order to get them to your side;“Then a Parti Québécois cabinet minister stumbled. Lise Payette, a high-profile feminist, belittled women who support the "Non" side by implying they were subservient "Yvettes". It was interpreted as an insult to all homemakers.”("Oui" or, 2001) This finding indicates that the term, Yvette was used to describe homemakers which influences the vote in Quebec separation. This impacted the vote since not a …show more content…

Within Quebec tensions and emotions ran high as families, friends and neighbours passionately debated "Oui" (supporting separation) or "Non" (opposing separation).” ("Oui" or, 2001) This shows that the Quebec’s population was even in conflict at the time to separate or not. This must have impacted emotionally as people began choosing sides. This proves that Quebec population wasn’t even sure to split or not because the people had opinions on both sides of the matter since, their people were people on both sides of the spectrum. The population was influenced by the FLQ since there was both people who were against it and people who sympathized with them. The media influence the population until the death of a hostage and it is projected by the government; “Several members of the Quebec National Assembly and government ministers criticized the media sharply. The Liberal Party whip, Louis-Philippe Lacroix, accused the journalists of being responsible for the death of Pierre Laporte; he labeled them the gravediggers of

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