
Quality Assurance in Nursing

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QUALITY ASSURANCE IN NURSING INTRODUCTION: Quality control is a specific type of controlling refers to activities that evaluate, monitor or regulate serves provided to consumers .in nursing the goal of quality care would be to ensure quality while giving nursing care to the clients as per nursing care plan. HISTORICAL ASPECTS: The field of quality assurance is an old as modern. Florence nightingale introduced the concept of quality in nursing care in 1855 while attending the soldiers in hospital during the Crimean war. It is a matter of pride for nurses that the nursing profession has attained a distinct position in the search for quality in health care. DEFINIATIONS: QUALITY: Quality is defined as the extent of resemblance between the …show more content…

Maintaining record of care. THE PURPOSES OF PUBLISHING, CIRCULATING AND ENFORCING NURSING CARE STANDARDS ARE TO: (a) Improve the quality of nursing care, (b) Decrease the cost of nursing and (c) Determine the nursing negligence. CHARACTERISTICS: The characteristics of standards, which undo those standards 1. Statement must be broad enough to apply to a wide variety of settings. 2. Must be realistic, acceptable attainable 3. Of nursing care must be developed by members of the nursing profession: preferable nurses practicing at the direct care level with consultation of experts in the domain. 4. Should be phrased in positive terms and indicate acceptable performance, i.e. well, excellence etc. 5. Of nursing care must express what is desirable optional level. 6. Must be understandable and stated in unambiguous terms 7. Must be based on current knowledge and scientific practice. 8. Must be reviewed and revised periodically. 9. May be directed towards an ideal, i.e. optional standards or may only specify the minimal care that be attained, i.e. minimum standard and one must remember that standards that work are objective, acceptable achievable and flexible. SOURCES: It is generally accepted that standards should be based on agreed up achievable level of performance considered proper and adequate for specific purposes. The standards can be established, developed, reviewed or enforced by variety of

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