Social work research is a systematic and objective inquiry that uses the scientific method to solve human problems and creates new knowledge that is generally applicable to the social work profession (Grinnell, Jr., Williams, and Unrau, 2016). There are two approaches one can take when conducting research: a quantitative or qualitative approach. Quantitative examines things that can be measured. Qualitative examines the qualities of a specific topic. In the case of this paper a qualitative approach would be most effective. The qualities of African American men who experience mental health issues because of childhood emotional trauma is being examine. Social work research is important for two basic reasons: 1) it can guide social workers to …show more content…
For example, the factors that contribute to the mental health of African American men are often examined by researchers. Most factors that researchers discover include socio-economic status, demographics, and health care problems, amongst other thing. Surprisingly, few researchers connected mental health of African American men to the childhood emotional trauma they could had endured. Thus, making this an understudied topic.
Description: During this step researchers observe and then describe what they have observed. For example, over the course of my life I have observed/encountered African American men who refuse to show any type of vulnerable emotions because they feel if they do they will be considered weak or less of a man. Based off of my observation many of those men suffer from some type of mental health issue later on in their lives. Thus, leading me to wonder is there a connection between the two,
Explanation: During this step researchers simply explain things. In this case I would explain why African American men refuse to show any vulnerable emotions compared to other races/genders or I would explain why African American refuse to seek professional help when having a mental health
When working with African Americans and Native Americans human service workers must consider important factors. When doing a study
“African Americans have the worst health profile. Disparities in health status are well documented and widely known. However, research on race, ethnicity, and health is controversial. The reason for this is probably linked to the thorny role that race has played in American history and contemporary culture. Because of this history, race engenders emotion, and emotion is the antidote to rationality. Some have called for the end of research on race and health” (Isaac, L pg.
Psychological research may be undertaken on a subset of society; however the importance of the results may have an effect way beyond the group tested. The value of psychological research varies and the same results can be used in different ways by different groups of society.
because the findings may be used to provide unbiased and competent service delivery for persons of color, develop trusting relationships between counselor and client, and allow clients to understand how microaggressions may be impacting their psychological and physical health. (Torres-Harding and Turner, 2015) The hypothesis of the research was to seek if the reliability and validity of the RMAS distress subscale and “RMAS distress subscales were found to exhibit positive correlations with all additional subscales that assessed stressfulness or distress.” (Torres-Harding and Turner, 2015) According to the data, “significant positive moderate-level correlations” were found. (Torres-Harding and Turner, 2015) Data was collected from 374 individuals who “were from a medium-sized private Midwestern university setting,” excluding individuals who identified as White or Caucasian, and the individuals were asked to complete an anonymous online survey.
In the interviews African Americans shared how on a daily basis they found themselves dealing with anxiety, fear, humiliation, shame, and stress.”(Thompson-Miller 3). Everyday with feeling all of these emotions is in no way how a life should be lived. “The ‘stress hormone’ cortisol is believed to create a domino effect that hard-wires pathways between the hippocampus and amygdala in a way that might create a vicious cycle by creating a brain that becomes predisposed to be in a constant state of fight-or-flight”.(Christopher Bergland 1). All of the other emotions combined also triggered a PTSD like syndrome called “segregation stress syndrome” .“segregation stress syndrome are similar to PTSD symptoms documented in psychiatric literature. However, “segregation stress syndrome” differs from PTSD because the traumatic experience was not a one-time occurrence; it was sustained, over time, in African American communities. In addition, the racial violence that occurred was a form of systematic chronic stress, the type that has been shown to have a detrimental impact on a person’s psychological well-being”. (Thompson-Miller
Though it has been apparent that people of color have been treated as a subclass within the medical field for centuries; as was brought to light in The Tuskegee Syphilis Study, the recognition of forced hysterectomies and sterilizations of African American women in the 20th century and, to “The Negro Project” which worked to reduce the African American population through eugenics (Feagin & Bennefield, 2014). With even these three examples it is clear that the medical field has played a large role in creating both psychological and physical disadvantages and trauma for minority groups in America. Yet, it seems to be a subject that many professionals refuse to address. A meta-analysis conducted by Mayberry, Mili and Ofili found that,
Over the year?s minorities have been treated differently in America. There was a point in time when people did not understand people of color and even made assumptions about them. Because of this systemic factors have been established both in the mental health and education system. Counselors had their own perception
Article Review 2 results stated that overall every day discrimination showed higher odds of any psychiatric disorder, anxiety, mood and more lifetime DSM- IV disorders. Furthermore it tends to agree with Article review one, in that, depression is a major factor for the older African American.
13.2% of the United States population identifies themselves as Black as African Americans, and of those over 16% had an mental illness that was diagnosable. The socio economic impact of a history of slavery, sharecropping and race-based exclusion from health, racism, spiritual beliefs, social and economic resources, education and other factors are key factors that contribute to African American disparities today. Many of these things are linked to mental health. According to the US department of health, African Americans are 20% more likely to report having serious psychological distress than in non-Hispanic whites (. Despite knowing this, African Americans are less likely to seek mental health services than white Americans.
Salma Hayek was a Mexican, american famous actor. Salma was born in Mexico, in 1966. She was born on September 2, 1966 in Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz. She was the daughter of a spanish mother and a Lebanese father. She was raised in a well-to-do catholic house. Before her teens Salma attended a convent school in louisiana, and lived with her aunt in Houston Texas. After high school, Salma attended a university in Mexico. She dropped out and decided to pursue her career in acting, eventually she became a telenovela star in Mexico.
The team made appropriate comparisons by involving other qualitative studies. These studies were over women’s experiences and responses with Congestive Heart Failure. There were compatible comparisons to the overall topic, but not specifically to coronary artery bypass graft surgery. It did help build onto the discovery of why women feel the way they do not only with the surgery, but the illness in general. If the race was broader the data collection would seem more acceptable. They did not gather the diverse population they intended, and had to work with what they could
One of the main aims of a study is to articulate a research problem; there is a need for this because it justifies to the reader, why the research is taking place. Both articles successfully articulate their research problem because they clearly emphasis a problem that has lack of current research and how there study could add to the existing literature. They address issues that pertain to society and explain why the problem is important to study. The researchers create a hook towards reading about the study by explaining the potential it will have for furthering the research field. However, even though the research problem hooks the readers, there are still some key differences between each research problem. Thompson, M. N. et al. (2012) qualitative study is interested in exploring and understanding the psychotherapy experiences of low-income clients. Whereas the other
African Americans as a whole agree that racial segregation has affected their chances of employment, residency, education and access to proper health facilities. Many have stories and experiences of being qualified for a job but being turned down for being African American. Several experiments have been conducted where an African American would attempt to view homes in diverse neighborhoods and be turned down and white co-workers or friends would call immediately after and be invited to come in. Many African Americans have experienced mental health institutions and health clinics closed down in their neighborhoods while liquor stores, tobacco companies and fast food companies continue to market and open rapidly. The unequal separation of
We will be helping with the Thursday Night meal at the Highland Center on the 5th Thursday of each month for the rest of the year. The next 5th Thursday is July 30th. Stephanie Slack will be heading up our group as Ronney Joe will be out of town.
In his Nicomachean Ethics Aristotle discusses what it means for a person to live a happy life, and what that happy life entails. A sizable portion of his ethics are dedicated to discussing the value of friendship and its role in a happy life. In Book IX.9 Aristotle posits that one cannot have a happy life without friends, for “it seems strange when one assigns all good things to the happy man, not to assign friends” (1169b8-9). While it may seem initially clear to us why a life of solitude cannot lead us to a happy life, it is not immediately evident why the self-sufficient man who is already happy should need friends. In Box IX.9 Aristotle lays out several arguments as to why someone who is happy needs friends, and these arguments, when examined