
Qualitative Interview

Decent Essays

The article titled learning to interview in the social sciences makes a valid point that as interviewers we can never ensure what will happen during an interview. To some degree interviewing for the social sciences and the purpose of research resembles clinical intake interviews. Both processes are in fact “reality constructing, meaning-making occasions”. In my opinion the qualitative interview while it may develop a different ebb and flow than research specific qualitative interview, as they tend to have more targeted overall research questions, they both have the same aim in mind; to collect, interpret, and analysis “data” on some level. The findings obtained by the researchers in this study while valid they are not necessarily inclusive …show more content…

At times qualitative interviewers like clinical interviewers will be faced with challenges during the interview process. Researchers should be aware of their biases and their own personal cultural expectations which may need to be reassessed with each research question, with each study, with each interviewee. Interviewers should have the capabilities and skills to adjust and adapt to their environment and meet the client where they are and not pass judgment as to what they view as the “norm.” Interviewers should be prepared for the unexpected, to handle the uncomfortableness; the unplanned. This article discussed keeping the flow focused on the research topic and questions while that is important again it may not work or be as beneficial for certain groups of individuals of diverse ethnic or racial groups or even those with disabilities as sometimes people do not communicate linearly. It would be in correct and unethical in my opinion to assume so. While the article was a helpful refresher on tools a researcher should have in their tool kit, essential key diversity issues where omitted or …show more content…

This article at times left me frustrated at its negative depiction of the qualitative interview and that of the research experience for both interviews and interviewees. I don’t think I agree with every assumption stated by the authors but it did pin point how at times researchers are merely using their interviewees but I know the same could be said for quantitative research; but as mentioned in a previous articles, interviewees also benefit from this experience. As interviewers and researchers it is true that we are making some private details public, we do so in hoping to benefit other individuals in similar situations. While I understand the perspective on manipulation, every situation or circumstance could be manipulated, as researchers we can at times be the manipulator or the ones being manipulated. As the author stated this article was one-sided and bias I believe further evidence or experience is warranted to understand their point of

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