
Qualitative Analysis Of Chemistry Cations

Decent Essays

The experiment used qualitative analysis to determine two cations in an unknown solution. In Part A, identified either silver or lead that was interfused into the metal nitrate salts solution. In Part B, calcium or barium would appear. In Part C, another method of qualitative analysis was performed by cation flame tests. The various metal chloride solutions would be used to observed and recorded the colored flame of each species. The goal was to practice qualitative strategies to be able to precipitate, separate and identify the unknown cations in the solution by used lab equipment such as the centrifuge, disposable pipette, and Bunsen burner.
If the experiment were repeated, some parts of procedure should be modified or improved to shorten the time of experiment and make the experiment more organized. Such as the Part A, Step 5; after heated up the test tube in the boiling water, used cold water to cool down the temperature of the test tube instead of cool it down spontaneously. By modified that it would save more time. Since there were so many groups doing the same step together, the lab equipment was limit such as the centrifuge. Students lined up in front of the centrifuge to wait for the others. Students could spread out to the different part of the experiment, some groups could start with Part A and the other can start with Part C.
The unknown solution #4 was assigned and analyzed. Followed the steps in Part A to identify the presence of Lead or

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