
Pyramids of Giza

Decent Essays

The Mystery of the Construction of the Pyramids of Giza

AT GIZA There are many mysteries surrounding our history, especially those of ancient times. It is my belief that a mystery is something that simply can’t be explained and is based off of phenomenon. In regards to the Pyramids at Giza, is it really a mystery or have we as a modern society over looked …show more content…

Thousands and thousands of workers, who technically were not slaves, instead were indentured slaves, came together and over the course of the next 23 years created this wonder. As is tradition and custom of ancient Egypt, Pharoahs began constructing their own Pyramids as soon as they took the throne. This of course provided the laborers and indentured slaves with a building frame and structure to continue on. Using copper chiseling tools does not seem farfetched as people of that era were known for their artistic abilities at making things. A common misconception is that the Egyptians were not smart enough to do things of such a nature, but that is very far from the truth. Just because we have a more advanced way of communicating, does not mean we have a more advanced way of thinking,

References 3

1) Science Daily( Redford 2013)(Penn State University 2008)
“ How were the Egyptian Pyramids Built

2) Humanities, world Cultural studies (

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