Purpose and Hypothesis of the study
The purpose of this article by Samuelsson, (2010) is to examine the effects of two differently structured methods, traditional and problem-solving, of teaching children mathematical the first five years in school. Trying to determine the difference between boys and girl depending on the type of teaching method they received. Predicting those students in the non-textbook problem-solving group would show strength in all areas of mathematical proficiency except the procedural area. That is, they would perform significantly higher than the traditional group. The research questions were: Which teaching approach, traditional or problem solving is most effective for developing students’ mathematical proficiency? Do girls have the advantage over boys in a traditional teaching context? Do boys have the advantage over girls in problem-solving context? Girls were expected to have the advantages over boys in the traditional group, and that boys would have the advantages over girls in the problem-solving group. Students’ progress in conceptual understanding, strategic competence and adaptive reasoning a significant increase when teachers teach with a problem-based curriculum.
Participants included a total of 105 students in four different classes in this study. Attending two different schools 46 placed in school A while 59 were placed in school B in the same neighborhood. Schools recruited students from a part of Sweden with low
Van de Walle, J, Karp, K. S. & Bay-Williams, J. M. (2015). Elementary and Middle School Mathematics Teaching Developmentally. (9th ed.). England: Pearson Education Limited.
Many students at the elementary level perform poorly in mathematics because when they complete kindergarten; they acquire inadequate knowledge of basic mathematics. Due to lack of enough skills and concepts, these students continue to experience this problem even in upper elementary school (Duncan et al, 2007).By the fourth grade, these students performance becomes very poor such that they are not expected to improve when they get to the next grade. The major program to improve student’s achievement in mathematics is the introduction of more intense professional development in teacher-led instruction, providing examples, and teaching problem-solving strategies for all
For my paper I will be discussing in depth the responses to the questions posed at the end of the study as follows. What kinds of problems are inherent in Jolene’s research project? How would these problems affect the research results? How would you solve these problems? What should Stefanie do? What would the consequences of these actions be for Jolene? For Dr. Lee? For Stefanie
In this article the author explains how the schools are based on a class system and higher-class areas have better recourses and more classes offered. Higher-class societies have better equipment, new technology, modern facilities, better books, and better teachers. Not only are the school’s educational facilities better the extracurricular activities are also better. For example sports facilities, training facilities, band, art, all because these lower class schools cant afford what these lower class schools can. Students in lower end districts are actually ending up worse off then the higher end students. Meaning attrition rate, drop out rate, sat scores and much more.
I believe that the most challenging aspect of being a Texas Department of Family and Protective Services Investigator would be having to work in depressing or sad situations, and making the right judgement calls on cases. I know that I will see tough situations in this field, but you have to put your emotions aside and remain professional. I believe I have the ability to do that, while still feeling compassion for those involved in the situation. Also, I realize that you have to be able to make judgement calls in situations like these. As said in the video, everything will not be black and white but you need to be confident in the decisions you make. I believe that I have the ability to use proper judgment, and with proper training I will feel confident about the decisions I make pertaining to my job.
Although in the past the biggest cause for unequal opportunities in education has been the gap between different races, recently the gap between income percentiles has affected students substantially. Students go to schools in districts that correlate to the income percentile they are in. Because of this, many students in high-poverty neighborhoods are not given the same amount of time and money as students in upper-class neighborhoods are (Cordes and Miller). This can be seen in a study, conducted in
When the practitioners are planning, they can also ensure that they involve all children no matter what the mathematical ability to allow group learning and supporting one another which Vygotsky (Richard Culatta, 2015) says is how children learn best. Practitioners should plan for an enabling environment that promotes maths by surrounding the children in mathematical concepts and language, to support emergent maths. Practitioners should praise children. Practitioners should support all children’s development to ensure children and school ready and they are developing their emergent
Mathematical activities at Ysgol Dolafon are delivered in accordance with pupil’s individual needs and great deal of emphasis is given to continuity of learning. Ample opportunity is provided for pupils to discuss their understanding of concepts as they progress and teachers are aware of the importance of eliminating any gaps in the children’s mathematical knowledge. The Welsh Assembly Government guideline for Mathematical Development maintains that: ‘It is crucial that gaps in children’s mathematical learning are avoided, so that children do not miss out on essential elements in their understanding of mathematical concepts’ (WAG 2008) and Ysgol Dolafon fully agrees with that statement.
1. Characteristic of Interest (Question to answer): What was the question the professor was asking in this study? Why is only 12 percent of the class listening in a lecture?
For this particular study, a survey including 39 closed questions (developed by Alan Schoenfeld in 1989) was used. All items on the survey were in the form of a seven point rating scale, with 1 being “strongly agree” and 7 being “strongly disagree”. The questionnaire was determined to be extremely consistent with an alpha of 0.8468. The survey contained questions associated to student’s perception of what mathematics is and how to do well in it, what mathematics solutions should be, how math problems can be solved, how mathematics is learned, and student motivation. For the first 33 questions, the students were asked to rate them on the seven point scale described above. The last six questions on the survey dealt with grades, gender, and perception of the children’s parent’s attitudes towards mathematics. The researcher also used a two-tail t-test to compare the mathematical perceptions of Chinese and American students. The average of each cateogry in the survey was also compared. As stated above, there were six main categories being compared: what
According to Overcoming Math Anxiety, girls have more language fluency than boys, and it can be useful for encoding and decoding of mathematical symbols (p. 83). If they are trained to use their own schema to understand mathematical terminologies or concepts, they may have less fear in math then they are, which is called elaboration that connecting existing knowledge with new knowledge (p. 312 textbook). For example, since girls tend to have more competence in language, they may be able to process complex mathematical information with better elaboration if the teacher let them to answering questions or explaining how they come up with their answer verbally (p. 337 textbook).
Before Intervention. The main research question before the intervention phase is, “What are mathematics teachers’ initial understanding of fact fluency?”. The data source used during this phase of the intervention will be an open-response survey. To prepare the qualitative data for analysis, questions for the survey will be on an organized document that all teachers will complete. I will then explore the data by reading through the teachers’ responses. When analyzing the data, I will use a coding system where I assign labels to the codes and then group the codes into categories.
It is important to teach or at least try to teach students problem solving related to math. Problem solving plays a big part in the math process. Teaching problem solving is beneficial to students because helps the students find solutions when struggling. It helps math to be more interesting and less stressful. Students see math with less negative reaction and more hope. Problem solving helps and improves student’s ability to think, solve, and find solutions. It is important for students to have the ability to have problem solving skills and this is what it teaches the students. Ultimately, problem solving helps students focus increase and learn what works best for them.
Mathematics has always been a difficult subject for students. Many children have developed phobias and barriers towards mathematics, which prevail into adulthood, thus limiting their potential. This limitation implies problems of learning, resulting in the child a sense of inferiority.
Maths is ubiquitous in our lives, but depending on the learning received as a child it could inspire or frighten. If a child has a negative experience in mathematics, that experience has the ability to affect his/her attitude toward mathematics as an adult. Solso (2009) explains that math has the ability to confuse, frighten, and frustrate learners of all ages; Math also has the ability to inspire, encourage and achieve. Almost all daily activities include some form of mathematical procedure, whether people are aware of it or not. Possessing a solid learning foundation for math is vital to ensure a lifelong understanding of math. This essay will discuss why it is crucial to develop in children the ability to tackle problems with initiative and confidence (Anghileri, 2006, p. 2) and why mathematics has changed from careful rehearsal of standard procedures to a focus on mathematical thinking and communication to prepare them for the world of tomorrow (Anghileri).