
Purpose And Hypothesis Of The Study

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Purpose and Hypothesis of the study

The purpose of this article by Samuelsson, (2010) is to examine the effects of two differently structured methods, traditional and problem-solving, of teaching children mathematical the first five years in school. Trying to determine the difference between boys and girl depending on the type of teaching method they received. Predicting those students in the non-textbook problem-solving group would show strength in all areas of mathematical proficiency except the procedural area. That is, they would perform significantly higher than the traditional group. The research questions were: Which teaching approach, traditional or problem solving is most effective for developing students’ mathematical proficiency? Do girls have the advantage over boys in a traditional teaching context? Do boys have the advantage over girls in problem-solving context? Girls were expected to have the advantages over boys in the traditional group, and that boys would have the advantages over girls in the problem-solving group. Students’ progress in conceptual understanding, strategic competence and adaptive reasoning a significant increase when teachers teach with a problem-based curriculum.

Participants included a total of 105 students in four different classes in this study. Attending two different schools 46 placed in school A while 59 were placed in school B in the same neighborhood. Schools recruited students from a part of Sweden with low

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