
Purple Hibiscus Quotes

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Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is a novel that takes place in Nigeria in the igbo region. Adichie tells a story about a young girl named Kambili, she and her brother and mother are abused by her father who was very religious. The story takes place after the time when the British missionaries came to Nigeria to convert the Igbo people to christianity.According to Adichie, the important thing take away from the novel is that the Christian people in Nigeria were very prejudiced against the traditional Igbo religion, because they believed they were superior. In the story Papa, the main character’s father shows that he is against the Heathens and will not let them come near his family. In this scene, Kambili and Jaja, the protagonist’s brother were going to go visit her grandfather and she is talking about how her father feels about her grandfather and the fact that he is Heathen. “Papa-Nnukwu had never set foot in it, because when Papa had decreed that heathens were not allowed in his compound.”(Adichie Page 62/63) . This quote show how father feels about his religion and how closed off he is, even to his own father. This was common from Kambili’s father, in this quote you can tell that …show more content…

In this quote Papa Is scolding Kambili because she was in the same house as a Heathen, her grandfather.“You knew you would be sleeping in the same house as a heathen?”“So you saw the sin clearly and you walked right into it?” (Adichie Page 194) Later on in in the book, after this happens Papa pours boiling water on her feet. This quote shows that he, once again referred to his father as a “heathen” and did not recognize him as his father. Father also says that staying in the same house as her grandfather is a sin, which relates to him being Christian, believing that being Heathen is a sin and being near one is

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