
Purnell Model Of Cultural Competences

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Casey’s Culture Compared to Purnell Elements
Interviewees Identities
Culture surrounds us every day, it is in our arts, ourselves, our community and our careers. Everybody has multiple cultural elements that help create the personality of that person along with helping us identify similarities within a community that we individually reach out to be a part of. Casey, my interviewee, is a junior at Washington University of Saint Louis undergoing a Neuroscience major along with minors in music, linguistics, and French. She identifies herself as a Democratic, Christian, Caucasian. These are the three most stereotypical culture identities that most people are aware of and refer to themselves as. She also considers herself a multilingual, vegan, and bisexual. These identities too, are looked upon by other people in which they would like to express and follow in their everyday practices.
Identity compared to Purnell The Purnell model for cultural competences is an organized framework for student nurses to explore the domains and identities of culture and this model is now used by all health professionals after the addition of the cultural competence scale was added (ARTICLE). Most of us cross between several of the domains and live our lives structured behind them. In regards to Casey, I would identify her as a strong follower of Domain 2: Communication and Domain 7: Nutrition of Purnell’s 12 cultural elements. Domain 2: Communication is a must for her because it allows her to

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