
Puritan Influence On The New England Colonies

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Influences of Puritanism on the New England Colonies
The New England colonies developed rapidly throughout the early 1600s. Their development was largely influenced by the Puritans, who had emigrated from Britain and helped found most of the region’s colonies. The philosophies, ideas, and values of the Puritans greatly shaped the development of the colonies in a number of distinct ways. Politically, the idea of a united, representative government, which later became a staple of the United States, was derived from Puritan ideals. Economically, the ideals of fair pricing and the celebrated “Yankee frugality and thriftiness” originated from the Puritans. Socially, emphasis on church, religion, and education was another lasting influence of the …show more content…

Puritans expected that economic prosperity would result from piety and good works. Yet they were very ambivalent about the prospect of success; John Winthrop, the Governor of Massachusetts Bay, feared that his people would derive more satisfaction from wealth itself than from the piety that was supposed to bring about such financial rewards. Their own religion promoted economic success, which was the protestant work ethic of “An hour’s idleness is as bad as an hour’s drunkenness.” The land in the New England colonies also had an effect on the economics, as most of the soil subsisted of many rocks. Poor farming land led the colonies to be based on shipbuilding, fishing, and manufacturing. The New England cod fishery was a result of these conditions, which accounted for a great portion of the economy in the colonies. The cod fishery had a lasting impact on the economies of the New England colonies, continuing into modern day New England. In the 1700’s the fishing industry accounted for 35% of New England’s export …show more content…

The social structure of the New England colonies under the Puritans was one of brotherhood, togetherness, community, and even liberality. The Puritans strong belief in God is what made them an extremely passionate group. Another influence of the Puritans was their strong belief that everyone was predestined for God. However Puritans had no problem with killing surrounding Natives and Quaker’s in the name of God. The Salem Witch Trials were also a huge part of the social influence on the New England Colonies. They effected many people’s daily social lives, and began to dictate how people had to act to make it through the many convictions and executions. The Salem Trials began as a function of the religious social influences on the colony, and the influence on people’s beliefs. Gender wise, the Salem Witch Trials had mostly women be accused of witchcraft whereas when a man tried to confess they simply called him a liar. This had an impact of the gender bias that was already in the societies around that time, and continued to take effect in the colonies on the way people decide to live their lives. The New England colonies social structure was modeled by the church. Education was valuable, and those who finished college were admired by the community. Some of the most well established colleges were created in the New England colonies. Both Harvard and Yale were created in

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