
Puritan Immigration To America

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Even from the earliest of days, America has been a nation of immigrants. The first of which came here about 10,000 years ago over the Asian American land bridge. By the 1500’s, the first Europeans came to America, led by the Spanish and the French, and by 1607, the British had come as well, founding Jamestown in the Virginia colony. Then in 1620, roughly 100 people, also known as the Pilgrims, left England and founded Plymouth Massachusetts, and were soon followed by the Puritans, who colonized in Massachusetts Bay. Both the Pilgrims and the Puritans left Britain to get away from religious prosecution and practice their religions freely.
A large share of immigrants came seeking economic opportunities in the United States. However, the passage to the U.S. was expensive, and about 50% of these people came to America as indentured servants. Some people did this voluntarily, but most were kidnapped and forced into servitude in America.
Another large portion of people immigrating in the colonial era were African slaves. There were three rushes in African slave immigration but the biggest was the first: the transatlantic slave trade, also known as the middle passage from Africa to America. African men and women were …show more content…

The majority of these people came to America from Northern and Western Europe, and about a third came from Ireland. Most of the people who came from Ireland came to America because of the massive potato famine in 1845, which lasted for 6 years and killed almost a million men, women, and children, and causing another million to flee the country. Another major group of people who immigrated here during that time was the Germans. Many of whom went to the current day Midwest. They moved to cities such as Milwaukee, St. Louis, and Cincinnati. During the mid-1800’s, a significant number of Asian immigrants journeyed to America. Lured by the gold rush, about 25,000 had migrated here by the early

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