
Punic Wars Causes

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The Punic Wars are often considered among the world’s greatest conflicts, with the likes of the World Wars, and the Trojan War. The three separate Punic Wars took place over a time period from 264 B.C to 164 B.C. The wars were between Rome and Carthage, the two dominant Mediterranean powers at the time. The Second Punic War is the most memorable of the three, made famous by the tale of Hannibal’s crossing of the Alps. Historians dispute the causes of the Punic Wars, but the war can be explained using the famous historian, Thucydides, and the principles laid out in his book, the Peloponnesian War. Thucydides said that human conflict results from three primary motives, fear, honor, and interest. The Punic War is no exception. Rome and Carthage’s …show more content…

50 years earlier, Carthage had been the dominant force in the Mediterranean. They possessed the entire eastern portion of North Africa, as well as Sicily, Sardinia, parts of Spain and various other islands scattered throughout the Mediterranean. The Romans were the new kids on the block; they controlled only the Italian peninsula and had no over sea territories. The Romans almost no navy to speak of, and were easily outmatched by the Carthaginians. The first Punic War arose when Carthage backed Syracuse and Rome backed Messina in a conflict. This led to a full out war between the two powers, new and old. Rome had better land troops, but, as Syracuse was an island, the also needed a navy to be able to compete with Carthage. They quickly amassed a fleet and were able to beat the Carthaginians. The Carthaginians were forced to pay over a thousand talents of silver and cede Sicily to Rome. This alone would have created massive tensions between the nations. But during the ensuing 50-year peace, Carthage was later forced to give Sardinia to Rome as well. Carthage was left with only its African territories and a burning hatred towards Rome. Carthage decided to conquer Spain, in order that they might one day have revenge against Rome. This is the time period in which the Second Punic War …show more content…

Finally, Carthage, sick of pestering, attempted to put down the rebellion. Rome immediately intervened and took over Sardinia and forced Carthage to pay and additional 1200 talents of silver. This brewed intense resentment towards the Romans in most Carthaginians. The Carthaginians confidence given by the successful Spanish campaign was just pride, new honor gained by their power.

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