I was seven months pregnant when I took my NCLEX exam. It was so hard for me to prepare for this exam. My classmates were posting on Facebook who passed and who waited for results for 1-2 weeks, how many questions they attempted. I took my exam, turned off after 75 questions. I got scared whether I passed or did so bad that it turned off. I don’t remember last question but I remember there was a question about pulse assessment. I was so nervous, I started assessing my own pulses. I came out. My husband asked me how was it. I started crying that it turned off and I don’t know if I will pass or not. Waiting for results was more difficult than exam. I was telling myself to be calm, focus on baby, and think positive. Result came, I passed, but
In order to maintain a healthy body temperature, the heat produced with in the body or absorbed from the environment must be balanced from the heat lost from the body. A normal body temperature is measured at 37 degrees.
A summary of 3,246 individuals (identified by ID numbers) with corresponding systolic blood pressures was used as my primary data set.
A young, pregnant woman is sitting anxiously at the hospital waiting to hear the results of her ultrasound. As she waits, she remembers the horrible car accident she had just been in less than two hours ago. After a short time, the doctor comes in and confirms the young woman’s fears, her soon to be twins had no heartbeat and were gone. Unfortunately, this scenario is all too familiar for me because I lost my soon to be twin nephews due to a car accident. Within a split second, my entire world was changed all because a young man did not want to stop at a red light. Although the loss of my nephews was devastating, it did inspire me to help any mother I could in hopes that, she too, would not have to go through the same pain and heartache. Because of my new-found drive, I have decided to become a neonatal nurse, which, is a nurse who works with new born babies in the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit). Being a neonatal nurse
This project, like many science fair projects, is the product of curiosity. A desire to know more about the supposed link between a prolonged QT interval and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (Ioakeimidis, 2017) created a study with the intent to improve protocol for QT interval measurements in adult women. This was done by identifying the most accurate lead to use for QT interval measurements. A QT interval, an interval measured from a heartbeat displayed on a test known as an electrocardiogram (EKG), can be a predictor of fatal arrhythmias when prolonged. An electrocardiograph is the graphed results of an electrocardiogram. However, the leads used to record the heartbeat often provide twelve different measurements of the true QT interval. Which
I was 33 years old on November 9th, 2000. My family was made of myself, my husband, Doug, my daughter, Haley, and our dog, Josie. Haley was only 2 years and 9 months old at the time of the birth of her new baby brother, but I wasn’t quite sure how she would handle not having all of the attention. I could tell something was off from the moment I woke up that day. To start, Haley wouldn’t stop crying from the moment she woke up. As for me, I was feeling sick, and was having a few contractions here and there. I was packing my things for the hospital because I was scheduled to have a C-section November 10th. Afternoon came and my condition was getting worse and worse, things got so bad that Doug and I decided we should go to the hospital. I was mortified because I just needed the baby to wait a couple more hours. I could not have this baby come out of the birth canal, my
Atticus is on his own raising Jem and Scout with help from Calpurnia, who is like a mother to the kids. she cooks and cleans and watches over them when he leaves. Atticus is the father of Jem and Scout and is much older and wiser than they thought he was, he can't really do, much like play football with Jem because he is too old. Atticus is also a lawyer and very good at his job. Atticus Finch is a good father, he tries to teach Jem and Scout these things, but scout doesn't really understand what he is talking about, he manages to do it.
Biographical: G.B., 20, Male, Caucasian, DOB: 01/23/1993, Student, Dr. Wang, Orientated to person, time and place, reliable source of information. No deficits in mental ability.
Did you know that heart abnormalities are the most common birth defect? I didn't, until a few weeks ago. A Facebook friend posted a link to the Cora's Story blog and I casually clicked over to see what it was about. Cora died suddenly in her mama's arms at just 5 days old from an undetected congenital heart defect (CHD). I can't imagine suffering such a devastating loss, and I thank my lucky stars for my kids' healthy hearts. But Cora's mother Kristine has turned her pain into a wonderful mission in her daughter's name: to raise awareness about CHD and how easily it can be detected. With Kristine and Cora's help, hopefully more CHDs will be caught and treated early, saving babies' and children's lives.
Recently the United States has experienced a large number of immigrants coming over to the country within the 2000s. In recent studies, there are about 11.5 million undocumented immigrants in the United States. The undocumented immigrant population has grown 27% between 2000 to 2009. Immigrants from Mexico make up 59% of the undocumented immigrants in the United States. These undocumented immigrants can help the economy and country grow. These undocumented immigrants do have some downside to them, which makes people question do they really help this country. Many people question if this is a good or bad thing for the U.S. economy or the country. Immigrants have helped the U.S. economy out a lot and propose more positives then negatives on
It has been strongly researched that the heart rate of humans increase when there is a response to pain. A pain response is created by the nervous system and triggers a “fight or flight” response which then increases heart rate (Larson, 2015). When pain is inflicted on the skin, there are nerve receptors called Nociceptors which carry a signal down the spinal cord to the SA node in the heart, and therefore changing the heart rate (Larson, 2015). In 1987, research on temperature effecting heart rate was conducted. This experiment analyzed the effects of a cold pressor test on nerve activity, heart rate and arterial pressure (Victor, 1987). The authors of the experiment found an increase in heart rate for the first 30 seconds of the cold pressor
Pulse:The pulse is thin, slippery, and rapid. The thin and rapid qualities indicates yin deficiency with empty fire according to the tcm clinic aid app and diagnosis study guide. The width of the pulse indicates blood or yin deficiency. The fast rate could indicate exercise, anger, heat,or excessive yang. I suspect the rate is due to heat in the body. The slippery quality indicates phlegm or dampness, food stagnation, or excessive heat. It is likely the patient has dampness and excessive heat but it is not likely she has food stagnation because her appetite is poor and she does not eat much. The wiry pulse indicates phlegm, pain, or malaria. The patient has phlegm and pain but has not caught malaria.
In the present study, Analysis of 10 second 6-lead ECG and Holter monitoring over 24 hours were successfully performed in all rhesus macaques enrolled to the present study. HR, ECG patterns, the frequency and complexity of arrhythmias, and HRV parameters obtained from the 10 second 6-lead ECG and 24-hour Holter monitoring were compared between the rhesus macaques with and without LVH. In the standard 10 seconds 6-lead ECG, the duration of a QRS complex was significantly longer in rhesus macaques with LVH compared to control macaques, but no other ECG patterns were significantly different between these two groups (Table 1). This finding can be attributable to slower conduction time through the left ventricular walls due to the presence of
Every time I look at this picture the very same day I seen this ultrasound plays in my head over and over again. So during the month of December my husband and I found out that we were expecting our first child. Although, we knew that we were young and this meant that some things would have to be put on hold we were very excited. I went to my second doctor's appointment on January 3rd, 2017 I found out that I miscarried my baby. This had to be the worst news I have ever received of all of my 18 years of living. I was distraught. I was stressing myself out day in and day out because I was thinking of ways that I could have prevented this from happening. Though there was nothing I could do. This was definitely a challenge for me because my mind
1. Define pulse pressure? How did it change with light and heavy exercise to PP? What is the expected PP response to exercise? 2 marks
Sexual orientation discrimination includes being treated differently or harassed because of your real or apparent sexual orientation -- whether gay, lesbian, bisexual, or heterosexual. This type of discrimination may be illegal in your workplace, depending on where you work. This is not a personal problem that should be handled among themselves. As an Equal Employment Opportunity company, the company should ensure that guidelines are given and followed to prevent this type of sexual harassment and discrimination. If the company permits the posting of these types of pictures then the problem will never be solved. Robinson should not have to argue with her peers because she feels she has