
Essay On Puerto Rico

Decent Essays

prompting action from the U.S. government that would lead to stabilization of the Puerto Rican economy.
Expanding further on the economic misgivings that the island possess, is the rapid departure of Puerto Ricans leaving the island looking for better lives on the U.S mainland. Luis Ortiz, a proud Puerto Rican native desperately wanted to stay in the place he called home, but saw greater opportunity in Florida, where he moved. Drew Dixon writes on Ortiz's situation, "Ortiz is typical of the thousands of people now leaving Puerto Rico for the mainland as the island remains stuck in the throes of a major financial crisis resulting from the government’s inability to pay its debt" (Dixon). Clearly, this unfortunate but understandable retreat from Puerto Rico is all too common, as Dixon also notes that, "An estimated 1,500 people each week flee the island for the U.S, with many heading to Florida" (Dixon). Statehood would reduce the appeal of moving to the mainland, as more opportunities would exist within Puerto Rico allowing for greater retention of those that call it home. With statehood would come the economic benefits, providing more jobs and revenue. This boost to the economy …show more content…

Drew Dixon wrote an article about the effects the economic crisis is having on Jacksonville, noting how "In addition, Lecompte said, the long term impact could be the end of the current federal stipulation that commercial shipping to Puerto Rico be conducted by U.S. companies." (Dixon). The crisis is coming to a point where the United States is tired of supporting the commonwealth, indicating an eventual end to the support it has received thus far. With statehood, there would be more support as well as more resources available to the struggling commonwealth. In addition to the economic benefits, the political benefits would aid the underrepresented

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