
Ptsd In War Veterans Essay

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Generally, people affected by PTSD are war veterans, physical and sexual assault survivors. In this article we are specifically going to discuss about PTSD in war veterans, the risk of violence in war veterans and judge if there is an increased risk of violence in war veterans who are suffering with PTSD.
Post-traumatic stress disorder in combat (war) veterans
The members of military who are exposed to war or combat are high risk groups developing PTSD. PTSD truly became a factor of public attention because of war veterans. Up to 18% of war veterans are affected by PTSD [27].
PTSD is a legacy of the Vietnam War. Military service is known to be the most common cause of PTSD in men. Approximately 30% of Afghanistan and Iraq War veterans treated at Veteran Affairs hospitals …show more content…

The patients generally come to the clinical settings when secondary stage psychological problems surface. Therefore, early detection of symptoms and impactful intervention is the key to effective management of PTSD [27].
Risk of violence in combat (war) veterans
The U. S. Department of Veteran Affairs defines violence as an act of inflicting or threatening to inflict serious physical harm on another person. The examples of violence are mentioned as beating someone, physically forcing someone to have sex, or using or threatening to use a gun or knife [39].
Over the past few decades, there has been an increased concern about rising violence among war veterans specifically those with possible mental health problems and in a need of psychiatric treatment [40]. A newsletter published in 2014 stated that combat veterans are responsible for about 21% of domestic violence all over the U. S. and it is predominantly linked with PTSD. Further, it is also mentioned that 20% of U. S. suicide committers are war veterans. Therefore, the newsletter calls the problem of veteran suicide an “epidemic”

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