• Question observed: Jenny make 6 baskets for every two her sister made. If her sister made 6 baskets how many did Jenny make? o I asked T, “Can you tell me how you solved this question?” o T said, “Well, Jenny made 6 for every 2. And 3 x 2 is 6. So that means that Jenny scored 6 baskets 3 times. And 6 x 3 is 18. So Jenny scored 18 baskets.” o To try and identify what T understands, I asked him, “Why did you choose the operation of multiplication to solve this problem?” o At first, T seemed very frustrated with this question because he sighed and put his hand on his forehead. o I told him, “Your answer is correct, I am just wondering why you chose to multiply to solve this problem. I am interested in knowing how you thought about this problem.” …show more content…
Solve two-step word problems using the four operations. Represent these problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity. Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies including rounding.
Reflection and Interpretation
• How what you observed relates to reading/ classroom discussion? o When supporting children that need more challenge, it is important to focus on asking them questions that allow them to think about a topic on a deeper level. When working with T, it was evident he knew what was being asked of him on this worksheet. I know I challenged him because he really had to think about what I was asking him, and give him a nudge in the right direction. According to Reys, Lindquist, Lambdin, and Smith (2015), “People who are good problem solvers are generally good at thinking about their own thinking—that is, they are good at metacognition. As a teacher, I need to remember to find ways to allow my students to think about their thinking in order to challenge them. I need to scaffold my students into asking themselves their own questions after they complete a problem.
• What you learned about student thinking that you will use in future planning and
CDI is a rare hormonal disorder that occurs in one out of every 25,000 individuals. (National Organization for Rare Disorders [NORD], 2015). According to NORD (2015), it occurs at any age groups but common between the age of 10 and 20 years.
First, I disagree with the statement made in the last paragraph that said “one could easily argue that this exchange simply represented Danny’s misunderstanding of the task, we believe that if we look at this response as further explication of his conceptions of combining tasks and place value, we gain a more textured and multidimensional view of Danny’s understanding of number concepts” (p. 53). The student did not understand the task which caused confusion from the beginning. The student thought this was a place value task instead of a missing-addend task. The student asked for clarification over and over and then asked the teacher for confirmation when he said there was eleven chips. He did not receive confirmation so he changes his answer
The additional duties to PD HE98002 did not change the grade. Although my evaluation of the additional duties did not improve the grade, the other duties on the PD might affect the grade. I will not know if the other duties will change the grade until my coach
When I came across this question I felt confident in my ability to answer it. Throughout high school I was exposed to many similar questions; because algebra was heavily focused on in my mathematics classes. To answer the question I converted the written instructions into an algebraic statement. So, each sentence was represented by a series of letters and numbers instead of the original words. The algebraic expression that I formed matched one of the possible answers; thus, I felt confident with my final answer.
My current plan as far as working on the thesis will involve meeting with Grandpa once or twice a week, bringing an audio recorder with me to capture conversations we’ll be having about various events in his life. The original plan was to bring my laptop and type down every point he made in time with him making them, but on advice from close friends who convinced me about those negatives associated with going such a route I opted against this strategy after realizing that would not be the greatest approach to take. The way I saw it, doing so would open up those possibilities connected to not keeping up with him as he spoke. If I couldn’t maintain a steady enough pace to document everything he said as he spoke it and made him wait for me to catch
Also I still do not quit understand how this amounts to 8 ------> (1+1)**(5-2) = 8 why 2 * ? and what is the value?
1 Using addition and substation within 20 to solve word problems involving situations of adding, taking from putting together, taking apart and comparing, with unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using objects, drawing, and equation with a symbol for unknown number to represent the problem.
e starting this project, I was a little unsure about how it was going to go and if the interview was going to be awkward. In my opinion, I knew my aunt was a survivor, but I wasn’t sure if other people were going to agree with me. “Are you ready?” I asked my aunt, Frances, as I got my questions organized. “Ya,” my aunt said “this will be fun!” Knowing she was excited about this project made it much easier for me.
1) Divide matrices A and B in 4 sub-matrices of size N/2 x N/2 as shown in the below diagram.
In 1992, the Rio Earth Summit declared “The right to development must be fulfilled so as to equitably meet developmental and environmental needs of present and future generations” and in order to create sustainable development the mindset of the individual would need to be changed (Jick & Peiperl, p. 473). When organizations are open to new ideas and welcome transformation it enables them to meet the demands of the current and future environment, (Abbas, 2014). Thus, in 1998, before the merger of PwC and Coopers and Lybrand an opportunity was given to two alums of AIESEC, Middelburg and Shaw to deliver the following initiatives.
The author explains how many students, especially those in the focused-upon second grade class, have difficulty explaining their “mathematical thinking process”. While they may provide correct answers using memorized calculations, they are unable to demonstrate their conceptual understandings or explain how they achieved the right results. As stated by the researcher, “it is important for students to be able to demonstrate their mathematical thinking as well as their method of solving a problem” (Kostos & Shin, 2010, p.223).
Initially, Patrick and Sean asked for the numbers again so they could calculate the exact number of fruit the farmer could produce. At this point I obliged them, not having figured out the problem yet, but after reading it aloud to them again I realized the farmer owned a pear tree and could not possibly produce any plums for the store. After I discovered this I told my group to read the card as opposed to having it read to them, they both quickly picked up on the true answer.
Caydence was playing at play area that it has a kitchen set, and there were other girls also playing at the kitchen set. Caydence grabs a refrigerator door with her left hand and opens the door, and then grabs a pizza with her right hand. Caydence turns around and takes the pizza on a table: at the table, a doll was sitting. Caydence turns around and opens a cupboard with her left hand. Then Caydence grabs a plastic plate from the cupboard with her right hand and turns around. Caydence brings the plate to the doll which sitting at the table. Caydence grabs the pizza with her left hand and lifts it up and then she ups the plate on the table and puts pizza on the plate and says, “Here, for you!” The other two girls were playing the same area
In the third grade, I was given a complex problem in Math that gave the amount of times someone blinked, and wanted to see how many times I blinked in a minute. The rest of the class was stumped and turned to me for the solution. At that time we were learning the beginnings of multiplication, and I started applying it to everything. So for this problem, I began to apply multiplication, noticing trends in the data, and ended up doing Algebra, something I never learned, which the teacher was dumbfounded to see. The teacher explained to me that she did not expect anyone to do it the way I did, rather they would just count how many times they blinked in a minute, but she was still impressed. A couple of years later, we were dealing with more
In the case of the man adding up the numbers, he mistook a 7 for a 1. What