As human beings, there is this need to know everything and understand the reasoning for why life is how it is. It is in human nature to question others behaviors as well as our own. This need for understanding human behavior has only been supported by the use of psychometric assessments. The use of psychological tests have allowed people to question and test the decisions behind certain behaviors, and using the findings to generalize to the rest of the population. These assessments have become popular in the work force, as well as other institutions in order to explain human performance and make judgments about others based on the findings of these tests. The discoveries of these assessments have proven to be relative accurate and …show more content…
Some of these characteristics include using appropriate sampling methods to ensure that the sample is random and as equally representative of the population as possible (Wasserman & Bracken, 2012). The psychometric properties of psychological assessments are validity and reliability. The test score validity of a test shows that the assessment is measuring what it claims to measure (Wasserman & Bracken, 2012). In addition to having high validity, a psychometric test has to have high reliability. The Satisfaction with Life Scale has been used in various studies where the samples have ranged from college students to elderly participants. The use of different sample groups allows the findings to be generalized to a broader population if the findings of various samples prove to have similar findings. Overall the sample groups have to be representative of the population in order to summaries the findings and use them as an explanation for other’s behaviors. The closer that the sample is to the characteristics of the population, the more accurately the findings represent the population. In order for psychological tests to be seen as reliable the findings have to be accurate, and be able to reproduce the same findings every time that the assessment is given (Wasserman & Bracken, 2012). Although the purpose of the test is to measure a certain concept, it does not
Psychological research may be undertaken on a subset of society; however the importance of the results may have an effect way beyond the group tested. The value of psychological research varies and the same results can be used in different ways by different groups of society.
In psychology there are many different approaches to understanding the complexity of human behaviour, all of which have different methods of testing what factors can influence behaviour, varying from scientific to pure assumption in an attempt to understand human behaviour. This essay with explain the key ideas of the behaviourist, biological and humanistic approaches and will compare and contrast their assumptions on human behaviour.
Personality is defined as the unique way in which each individual thinks, acts, and feels throughout life (Ciccarelli, 2014). Numerous individuals are curious in regards to their actions and how their mind works, thus leading companies to create personality tests, in order to provide individuals with some perspective on their personality. While individuals can take personality tests for leisure, personality tests are often utilized in situations such as job interviews, diagnosing mental disorders, and educational purposes. Two popular personality tests are the Keirsey Temperament Sorter and the Big Five Personality test. After taking both tests, I analyzed them using my knowledge of general psychology and of my own actions. I found the
This vastly researched and thriving subfield of psychology is concerned with basic methods used to identify similarities and differences among individual’s personal characteristics and capacities. Assessment involves more than mere administration of tests i.e.: collection and integration of information attained from various sources like interviews, behavioural observations, reports, psychological tests and historical documents in order to attain a complete picture of a person’s state.
An individual’s personality is measured with a personality assessment instrument that encompasses theories and technique. Traditionally psychoanalytical theories provided an outline for accepting behavior that was abnormal and perceptions that prophesized the outcome for prospect behavior. Since projecting personality trait occurs, career counselors, and organizations utilize personality assessment instruments for screening potential employees for qualification. Additionally, personality assessment instruments are used in detecting personality disorders and abnormal behaviors. This
Psychometrics came as a consequence from the theories in psychology which tried to find out if there was a way to measure a person’s intelligence.The first types of the psychometric tests were developed by Sir Francis Galton in the late 1800’s, and were later modified by psychometricians James McKeen Cattell and Charles Spearman. Today, psychometric tests are usually used by employers in recruitment and selection process in order to measure the abilities of a potential employee in specific skills such as: intelligence, critical reasoning, motivation and personality profile. Psychometric tests play an important role in selection practice: 70 percent of firms use them (Sackleton and Newell, 1991). The fundamental assumption of psychometrics is that people differ from each other, for instance in terms of their friendliness, their ability to use mathematics, or their motivation to gain success could be different and these differences can be measured. A definition offered for a psychometric test is “an objective and standardized measure of a sample of behaviour” (Anastasi, 1990)
When it comes to the scientific method, especially in the science of psychology, there are many different ways a question can be asked in order to get the conclusion to a hypothesis. Psychology is by its nature something that not only produces many questions but also helps to find the answer to those questions. Through asking the right questions a person can see a whole new world of understanding unfold before them. This understanding of why a person or animal acts the way it does has been groundbreaking in the growth of understanding a individual on a much deeper level than the sociological standpoint. Before this understanding can be obtained however one must learn first how to ask a proper question and then in turn how to test that
Psychology is the scientific “study of the mind” (Gross, 2015) and behavior, which includes the study of humans and animals. There are various approaches in modern psychology. A theoretical approach is a perspective (view) about human behavior, there may be several different theories within an approach, but they all share these common assumptions and principles. (McLeod, 2007). A theory is an attempt by theorists to try to explain behavior. Theories are not facts but can be verified by testing. Theories can then be evaluated which I aim to do through this essay, where I will briefly explain the theoretical approaches in psychology and aim to focus on an analysis for each perspective which consist of the psychodynamic, humanist, cognitive and behavioral approaches where I will analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each approach separately.
Psychologists have been focused on observing and understanding human behavior for centuries, dating back to the Greek philosophers when psychology and philosophy were considered one.Today, Psychology is the study of human behavior, beginning before birth and lasting until death. It is clear that the observance human behavior is a vast and profound source of data for psychologists. Early philosophers relied on methods of observation and logic. A physiologist named Wilhelm Wundt in the 1800’s began using scientific research methods in his study of mental processes. However, the situation was totally different in the beginning of 20th century when psychology still struggled to be regarded as a separate discipline with practical value(Mastering,2011). Psychologists had only begun to be accepted as a science. It was John B. Watson who established the school of Behaviorism and inspired many other psychologists to study patterns of human behavior and their mechanisms. Watson 's contribution to psychology is important not to underestimate; he studied animal and human behavior to come up with a methodology that would give Psychology a respected status among other scientific disciplines. This essay will focus on the biography and works of John B. Watson with a purpose to show why his works are important for Psychology today(Hergenhahn & Henley, 2013).
2. To determine the extent to which components of life satisfaction combine with selected demographic variables to predict a person’s level of self-directed readiness.
Psychological tests or psychological assessments are an important asset in the field of psychology. These tests are designed to measure people’s characteristics which pertain to behavior. There are a variety of different types of tests that can be used to assess different types of behaviors. According to the specific behavior or behaviors being assessed, tests are
Psychology is an extraordinarily diverse field with hundreds of career paths. Some specialties, like treating the mentally ill, are familiar to most. Others, like helping with the design of advanced computer systems or studying memory, are less well-known. What psychologists have in common is a shared interest in mind and behavior. In their work they draw on an ever-expanding body of scientific knowledge about how humans think, act, and feel, and apply the information to their special areas of expertise. The profession of clinical psychology encompasses both research and statistics, through which is learned fundamental data about behavior; and practice, through which that knowledge is applied in helping to solve
Reliability is defined, within psychometric testing, as the stability of a research study or measure(s). Reliability can be examined externally, Inter-rater and Test-Retest, as well as internally; which is seen in internal consistency reliability methods.
The reliability of an instrument contributes to the level of usability for empirical research (Whiston, 2009). Further, it refers to the replicability andstability of a measurement and whether it will result in the same assessment in the same individuals when repeated (Frankfort-Nachmias & Nachmias, 2008). When determining the reliability of an assessment, a reliability coefficient of at least .80 indicates a trustworthy level of reliability (Trochim, 2006).
Psychological tests and or psychological assessments are an important asset in the field of psychology. These tests are designed to measure people’s characteristics which pertain to behavior. There are a variety of different types of tests that can be used to assess different types of behaviors. According to the specific behavior or behaviors being assessed, tests are categorized into two types, ability tests and personality tests. Ability tests, which encompass achievement, aptitude, and intelligence testing are used to determine capacity or potential by measuring scores based on speed, accuracy, or both. On the other hand, personality tests, which include structured or projective are used to determine behavior traits, that may be overt