
Psychology Theology And Spirituality In Christian Counseling Summary

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The book entitled Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian counseling was established in 1996, however several years later the author Mark McMinn decided to expound more on different counseling techniques by producing a 2011 version of the book. McMinn (2011), explores integrating prayers in a counseling session as well as the different patterns of healing. In the first chapter, McMinn provides scenarios and case studies of many different counseling styles. One of the case studies mentioned in the book is about young lady named Jill. Jill is an individual who has met with three different counselors; all of them have their own counseling styles and respond to Jill’s situation differently. According to McMinn (2011), it is difficult …show more content…

After taking this class and reading McMinn’s (2011) book I have a clear understanding of how beneficial it is to incorporate Psychology, Theology and Spirituality in Christian Counseling. Even though the book is very informative and poses a lot of information, the author made the text very clear and concise. At first, I was a little confused to why each chapter started with a case study. However, the more in-depth the reading, became the more I understood each concept that was …show more content…

After reading the book, I found it very resourceful in helping with integrating psychology, theology and spirituality into a Christian counseling session for those individuals who need it. This book provided me with basic instructions as to how to incorporate prayer, scripture, and forgiveness in the session as well as allowing me to evaluate my own life. I plan to use this book at a reference and expand on my knowledge of how to incorporate appropriate scriptures when dealing with a client who is in crisis. As a counselor, I want to make sure that I am not making any unpractical decisions that could cause my client to feel worse then what they already felt before coming into my office. McMinn (2011), suggest that prayer should always be the priority in a counseling session, however a counselor must learn which prayer technique to use, whether this be during session or in silence. According to McMinn (2011), suggested that the counselor pray silently and allow the Holy Spirit to guide them in session and that counselors should be cautious about using prayer and how it may affect the

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