
Psychological Struggle and Academic Performance of Single Parents

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Chapter 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS SETTING Background of the Study Statistics shows that two of every ten college students today is a single parent, whether male or female. And the number of single parents in college is on a steady rise. This shouldn't really be surprising since single-parent households have been on a sharp and steady increase for several decades. Today, there are more single parents enrolled in college than ever before. Single parents face difficult challenges, and single parents who are also college students have additional stresses and demands to deal with. In fact, an international study conducted shows that juggling between study and raising a child has an enormous impact to the persistence of single mothers in …show more content…

In his theory, enrollment, attendance, institution type, and student behaviors that influence student involvement in the institution are also assumed to impact students’ feelings of membership and participation in institutional life. Thus, the level of participation influences students’ decisions to stay enrolled and attain a degree, to transfer to another institution, or to discontinue enrolment in postsecondary education which he termed as student departure (Christie, 2002). Vincent Tinto identifies three major sources of student departure: academic difficulties, the inability of individuals to resolve their educational and occupational goals, and their failure to become or remain incorporated in the intellectual and social life of the institution. Moreover, the change in support systems is also related to integration into the campus system. The theory contends that given students’ demographic characteristics and their pre-entry intentions, goals, and commitments, the decision to persist is a function of the extent to which the student has become academically and socially integrated into the institution. Tinto suggested that where there is poor academic and social integration, the student’s experience at the institution is negative which affects the decision to withdraw and exit from the institution. This theory, in relation to single parents in college institutions, contends that there is a need

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