The use of drugs can have minor to fatal consequences if use in the wrong ways, also there will still be some sort of consequence if handled or used with care. Some issues that are major is drug dependencies. There are two different types of dependencies, psychological and physical. Psychological dependency occurs when a person’s mind comes to depend on a drug. An attachment to drug use often happens because of the substance’s ability to substance fulfilment of some emotional and personal need. A person with a psychological dependency could behave like feeling anxious in public situations, and might consume alcohol to fulfil that need for relaxation.
Dependent personality disorder, commonly referred to as DPD, has been formally diagnosed in approximately 2.5% of the population of the United States (Faith). Roughly 14% of individuals with a personality disorder have been diagnosed as having DPD (Faith). Dependent personality disorder is believed to affect one out of every 200 adults (“Dependent”). DPD is also commonly misdiagnosed as Avoidant Personality Disorder, or APD (Faith). 43% of people that are diagnosed with APD also meet the diagnostic criteria for DPD (Faith). 59% of people diagnosed with DPD meet the criteria for APD (Faith). In the novel A Separate Peace, the main character Gene Forrester encounters dependent personality disorder, and also struggles with some of the symptoms himself.
This paper will illustrate several aspects of how drugs affect our lives. Addiction philosophies including the psychology and physiology will be explained in an attempt to describe how drugs affect our bodies both physically and mentally. Secondly, different drug categories types will be covered including: stimulants, depressants, narcotics, hallucinogens, and cannabis. Each of these categories has different addiction potentials and effect levels including withdrawal symptoms. Finally, the abuse of prescription drugs and their effects will be discussed.
The consequences of a drug does not only affect the user it affects the community around also. Even escalate from one community to another. The website explains about the problems it causes. To put in short:
This leads to an increase in criminal activity such as neglect of familial duties, robberies to fund their dependency, and violence to defend their habits. The ‘drugee’ becomes a nuisance to society. Some become homeless and exhibit poor health habits such as malnutrition and tooth decay. Other negative effects include the transference of diseases because of needle sharing. Though drug use is a personal choice, the effects on the rest of society are undeniable. The best intentions are formulated on a personal level, but this is overcastted by its negative effects. This argument, however, is a bit one-sided because the reason for using and dependency varies between users.
A definition of a drug is a substance that when taken the body it changes the body's ability to function either physically or psychologically. Drugs can be can be into one of the following five categories; Narcotics, Depressants, Stimulants, Hallucinogens, and Anabolic steroids. Each one of these drugs except for the anabolic steroids are considered to be psychoactive which means that there effects on people can be one or more of the following: mood, feeling, thoughts, perception, memory, cognition, and behavior. The use of these drugs can have a great effect on the body ranging from mental health to personal complications, such as alcoholic liver cirrhosis, cannabis-induced psychosis, social problems, occupational difficulties, financial
One main thing that it affects is the brain. When you are doing something you enjoy, your brain releases dopamine. Dopamine is a chemical compound that is commonly known to occur as a reward. This “reward” causes the person to want to continue doing what gives them that good feeling. The release of dopamine can cause someone’s addiction to get worse. The surplus of dopamine can cause people to lose the ability to find pleasure in activities. The person ends up relying on their substance to feel good. After a while they build up a tolerance, therefore, they have to up the dosages on their substance. This is so they can still achieve that good feeling. Drugs hurt the communication system of humans. They also affect how people can think through problems. Researchers have found that people who have an addiction, they also have other medical problems. Some of those medical problems could include cancer or other diseases (“Drugs, Brains, and Behavior: The Science of Addiction”, 2007, pg. 1-30).
Illicit drugs can cause many unlimited types harms towards others such as conflicts. An example is in a home where there is a drug user, issues with their partners, with other family members and friends can quickly develop and escalate. Drugs can interfere with relationship by putting their addiction first instead of their partners. This can result to many disagreements, emotional or physical confrontations and can cause partnerships to grow apart or even to separate. To have a family member that is using drugs, can force the members of the family to experience feelings of helplessness, concern, fear, or terror, failure, and stress. As of friends, they can be discourage to hang out with the drug users as they may be bad influences, too aggressive or depress towards them or they may be scared of who they have become. Or it could be the drug users are no longer making time or putting an effort to contact their friends because they are in a mind state where they have forgotten about their friends. Harm towards others could be violent acts to strangers or drug dealers and again towards those
What many people don’t know are the negative side effects drugs have on people. The main issue is death. The death rates due to heroin overdose increased from just over two-thousand in 2001 to over ten thousand in 2015. Other drugs such as cocaine and prescription medicines have had death rates increase by more than fifteen thousand people. Other than death, using drugs has an impact on “almost every organ in the human body” (Effects). There can be abnormal heart rates and heart attacks. Using drugs can lead to strokes, nausea, poor attention and decision-making, confusion, and permanent brain damage. The liver is heavily affect; when using drugs, it causes the liver to work harder, which “leads to… liver damage…” (Alcohol). Just these health related issues are a fraction of what drugs to do your
At its absolute worst, addiction comes with some rather severe unintended consequences. It's difficult to explain the risks to young adults who are wrapped up in their cycle of addiction to the point they start doing things they wouldn't otherwise do. One of the most serious external repercussions that comes from young adult drug use is criminal activity, whether intended or not.
The use of drugs is a controversial topic in society today. In general, addicts show a direct link between taking drugs and suffering from their effects. People abuse drugs for a wide variety of reasons. In most cases, the use of drugs will serve a type of purpose or will give some kind of reward. These reasons for use will differ with different kinds of drugs. Various reasons for using the substance can be pain relief, depression, anxiety and weariness, acceptance into a peer group, religion, and much more. Although reasons for using may vary for each individual, it is known by all that consequences of the abuse do exist. It is only further down the line when the effects of using can be seen.
When drugs mess with your mind, you lose the ability to remember things and you can’t think clearly. People also think that they are more alert and aware, when they actually are less aware and less alert. Taking drugs usually makes you more susceptible to illnesses that can sometimes kill you. Hepatitis C, HIV and AIDS are a few illnesses you may encounter when taking drugs. Paranoia, depression, aggression, and hallucinations are examples of mental illnesses that are effects of drug usage. Minerals and vitamins become targets of disease, resulting in malnutrition. Drug addict babies and even unborn children seem to be the result of the mother’s drug use. Babies of drug addicts are more likely to be underweight and the mother may suffer from birth
Drug use in America is a major public health problem that impacts society on many levels, either directly or indirectly. Drugs take a tremendous toll on our communities and our families. It affects all of us, those who abuse these substances and those who don't. Many of America's top medical problems can be directly linked to drug abuse. Cancer, heart disease and HIV/AIDS are just a few. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that drugs are involved in 10 to 22% of traffc accidents. At least half of individuals arrested for violent crimes like homicide and assault are under the influence of illicit drugs.
The body function and balance becomes modified against the chemical effects. Even when it produces the glands and organs to become stimulated by the chemical activity, permitting the body to depend on these chemicals as the body becomes dependent on the substance. It causes a person to have an addiction. Meanwhile, it interrupts the bodily functions on how a person
Substance abuse is one of the most detrimental social problems found in all societies. It has been the leading cause for generational breakdowns of families and communities, and is probably the most controversial social problem when developing corrective solutions. Substance abuse can be defined as the chemical dependence, or pattern of usage of both legal and illegal substances, that has adverse physical, psychological, and psychomotor effects on the human body. The use of substances does not always have to be a drug, but can also be anything taken into the body that can cause a mood-altering effect, such as inhalants or solvents. Additionally, substance abuse has many different faces and is the one social problem that crosses all
Drug abuse can result in increased risk of health problems such as illness, injuries and physical damage to the body or death; drug