
Psychodynamic Theory Essay

Decent Essays

Experts in the psychological approach to delinquency Believe that most behaviors labeled delinquent seem to be symptomatic of some psychological problem. Psychologist point out that many delinquent youths have poor home lives, conflicts with authority figures, and destructive relationships with neighbors, friends, and teachers. These relationships seem to indicate it’s their personality. (Siegel, Larry J., and Brandon Welsh)

Psychodynamic theory, behavioral theory, and cognitive theory are the three psychological perspectives of delinquency.
I believe the biggest factor of the three is psychodynamic theory. Psychodynamic theory states that the personality contains three major components the id, the ego, and super ego. All three segments of the personality operate simultaneously, the id dictates needs and desires, the superego counteracts the id by fostering feelings of morality, and the ego evaluates the reality of a position between these two extremes.

Experts say that there are many social factors that affect delinquent behavior.

Interpersonal Interactions, community ecological …show more content…

They attend poor schools, live in substandard housing, and lack good health care. More than half of families in poverty are fatherless and husband less; many are supported entirely by government aid. Neighborhoods that provide few employment opportunities are the most vulnerable to predatory crime. Unemployment destabilizes households, and unstable families are more likely to produce children who choose aggression as a means of dealing with limited opportunity. Because adults cannot serve as role models, and social institutions are frayed or absent, law-violating youth groups and gangs form and are free to recruit neighborhood youths. (Siegel, Larry J., and Brandon

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