
Psychodynamic Perspective Essay

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The soul that, figuratively saying, is covered by a human body has different ways to show itself. It is a matter of psychology to discover the patterns of behavior. I primarily trust the psychodynamic perspective. However, on the specific topic of aggressive behavior of an individual I find that I favor the biological psychology. It is due to the fact that one perspective may identify things that the other is blind to, that I may choose some other approach to evaluate the issue.
The psychodynamic perspective has appeared on the basis of ideas of Sigmund Freud. His approach is known as psychoanalysis. Freud has developed his own system of understanding and analyzing how a human mind operates. This helped him to treat various mental illness. …show more content…

Lucy is our patient here because she often feels angry and frequently demonstrates aggressive behavior. Psychodynamic perspective involves us into a conversation with her. One may discover that Lucy’s aggression is reasonless, and even comes to the level of idiopathy in some situations. The right thing to do here, according to the method we appreciate, is to find out the circumstances of her life and to access her unconscious mind. We should get to know more about her family relationships, personal life and even ambitions. For the purpose of doing so one involves free associations, slips of the tongue during her speech, and analysis of dreams. This could show that Lucy is especially angry with her father and they have difficult relations with constant quarrels and arguments. The diagnosis may be concluded in the idea that Lucy sublimates her sexual frustration. Perhaps this will suggest that sometime when she was a little girl she felt sudden and uncontrollable sexual impulse towards her father. The impulse was immediately suppressed and changed into a socially acceptable standard of behavior that allowed Lucy to continue interaction with her father. Time has passed and the situation was no longer remembered by Lucy on the conscious level but Id manifested itself in the way Lucy acting later. The case is solved so the woman may be treated. This is an example of a particular situation where the psychodynamic perspective is wrong and not to help the patient under

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