
Psychodynamic Depression Research Paper

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Psychotic depression occurs when a depressive illness also includes hallucinations, delusions or the patient feeling removed from reality. Psychotic depression affects approximately one in four people admitted to the hospital for depression. Some types of depression sound less violent, but are no less dangerous, like Seasonal affective disorder which is a type of depression associated with the changing of the seasons. It starts and ends around the same time every year. Ordinarily, SAD begins for most patients in the fall and will continue throughout the winter. The body feels sapped of energy, causing the patient to be less active and become reclusive. In order to be diagnosed with persistent depressive disorder, a patient must remain …show more content…

They use certain chemicals that control mood and stress. Patients may need to try several different types before finding one that helps their symptoms and has agreeable side effects, which can include minor problems, such as nausea and diarrhea, all the way to more serious side effects like increased suicidal thoughts. Unfortunately, antidepressants take time to work. Sometimes up to four weeks, depending on the individual. During that time, the patient can look into alternative forms of treatment, like Psychotherapy, which is also known simply as counselling. Thankfully, there are several examples of treatment to choose from, including cognitive-behavioural therapy, interpersonal therapy, and problem-solving therapy. If psychotherapy and medications are unsuccessful, a physician may suggest more extreme methods, such as electroconvulsive or transcranial magnetic stimulation. The above mentioned procedures are known as brain stimulation therapy where electrical and magnetic impulses are administered to the patient. Moreover, the procedures are completely painless and last only a few minutes. The treatments are once a week, usually lasting six to eight weeks. Nowadays, with the advancements in medical and psychological treatment, a combination of both prescription medicine and psychological help, has shown the greatest

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